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  1. #131
    Larsenex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Longview, Texas
    Would I simply modify the weapon in the actions tab for a fighter's specialization or double specialization? Also, is Str adjustments added to the to hit of the weapon in the actions tab? I can't tell exactly what the math is doing. Fighter is double specialized in longsword with a 17 str. So I put in +4 in the hit bonus of the weapon and +4 for dmg. Is this the right way to figure it or is there another place to do this on the sheet?
    Ultimate License holder Unity & Classic.
    Currently GM'ing Homebrew Pathfinder 2.

  2. #132
    Hello, new guy here (but an old guy Is it possible to create a custom calendar for use in the game? We have been using one of my design since the 1970s. Thanks!

  3. #133
    Yes there are several threads on creating custom calendars.

    One way of testing what you want is to pick up one of the extensions on the Forge, unpack that and tweak the coding for your own style/version.

    Most recent upload there seems to be:
    We do not stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing.



  4. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by anstett View Post
    Yes there are several threads on creating custom calendars.

    One way of testing what you want is to pick up one of the extensions on the Forge, unpack that and tweak the coding for your own style/version.

    Most recent upload there seems to be:
    Thanks, I'll give it a go!

  5. #135
    You folks may hate me before this is all over

    1. We were experimenting last evening and my players were trying to adds tokens to their portrait yet could not see all the folders options I could to pick from. Is there a setting I am missing?
    2. One of the players purchased the Complete Paladin Handbook and set it to share but I could not see it. Do I have to purchase all these as well?


  6. #136
    Hmmm...tried to delete this post and can only edit?
    Last edited by bspeer; January 31st, 2025 at 23:30.

  7. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by bspeer View Post
    You folks may hate me before this is all over

    1. We were experimenting last evening and my players were trying to adds tokens to their portrait yet could not see all the folders options I could to pick from. Is there a setting I am missing?
    2. One of the players purchased the Complete Paladin Handbook and set it to share but I could not see it. Do I have to purchase all these as well?


    1 - Players do not have access to all the portraits that the GM side has. That is an old legacy code thing from many many years ago. There is a request in to change that behavior. Until then the GM sets the portraits for the players is the easiest work around.

    2 - They can load and use the book if the GM allows them do. Players cannot share books out to others, only the GM can do that. The best way to handle those is to have the Player purchase and then Gift the purchase over to the GM. That way the GM can share to everyone. Of course that really only works if that player plays in that game all the time.
    We do not stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing.



  8. #138
    Thanks for the info.
    "Gift the purchase over to the GM"
    How does one do that?

  9. #139
    Anything you purchase can be gifted. I do that for dice for my players at the end of the year.

    When someone purchases an item (it works best when there is only one item in the order) go to your profile, My Orders and on the right side of the order is a Gift button. It is there for X number of days after purchase.

    Smiteworks also has a very good return policy so if is has been less than 30 days you can return an item. Steam does not have the same policy.
    We do not stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing.



  10. #140

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