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  1. #11
    whoops, wrong thread
    Last edited by Rook; April 18th, 2019 at 23:54.

  2. #12
    Hi. So Shortsword and Scimitar seem to have been orphaned into a separate weapon category and also shortsword has jumped into the future and came back listing itself as a finesse weapon.

    Also, this is in items > weapons.
    Last edited by esmdev; April 20th, 2019 at 21:03. Reason: Forgot a detail

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Hi. So Shortsword and Scimitar seem to have been orphaned into a separate weapon category and also shortsword has jumped into the future and came back listing itself as a finesse weapon.

    Also, this is in items > weapons.
    This is corrected in the update that's coming Tuesday already. Your previous report led me to finding the 5E categories still listed on some weapons.

    This is the new view using "Weapons" button. Does this address what you're talking about?

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  4. #14
    Yep, looks good.

    One thing we noticed during character generation was when we add a weapon proficiency (say dagger) and then we drag a dagger to inventory the dagger added to the action tab doesn't know that it's connected to the dagger proficiency. We figured out with some experimentation that we could click the gear on the weapon in the action tab and use the drop down to assign dagger to the weapon but it wasn't very intuitive until we figured it out.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Yep, looks good.

    One thing we noticed during character generation was when we add a weapon proficiency (say dagger) and then we drag a dagger to inventory the dagger added to the action tab doesn't know that it's connected to the dagger proficiency. We figured out with some experimentation that we could click the gear on the weapon in the action tab and use the drop down to assign dagger to the weapon but it wasn't very intuitive until we figured it out.
    That's how it works right now. I'm not happy with it. Weapon proficiencies are not "attached" to weapons. Weapons listed in your actions tab need to have them applied. (as you found).

    It would be really convenient if I could prompt the user with a menu, that blocks all other actions, and ask you if you want to apply a proficiency to a weapon that has a similar name you just acquired. Maybe just prompt for applying a prof to a weapon you picked up giving the same drop down you see in actions->weapons->gear/details. FG doesn't let me use blocking prompts and im afraid of the window getting overlooked.

    Right now you have to manually apply the proficiencies however.

    I'm going to make a task and roll this around for a while and see if I can come up with something better.
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  6. #16
    MadBeardMan seems to have found a way to link action tab items to skills in the Traveller ruleset and it works quite nicely. I'm not sure that his solution would work but he might share. Sadly the Traveller ruleset is unhappily encrypted so we can't look for ourselves.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    MadBeardMan seems to have found a way to link action tab items to skills in the Traveller ruleset and it works quite nicely. I'm not sure that his solution would work but he might share. Sadly the Traveller ruleset is unhappily encrypted so we can't look for ourselves.
    If someone can make a video showing how it works that would be helpful. The weapons actions can be linked to profs it's not the way I'd like it tho. Since skills are on one tab and the actions on another.

    You can drag/drop profs into a weapon details window to apply the prof as well.

    Open up the attack details:

    Now change tabs to skills with the details window still there:

    In the above example I applied the Longsword weapon prof.

    You can also create a weapon prof by dragging and dropping a weapon into the weapons prof page.

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  8. #18
    Celestian, any possibility to share the wording to add abilities, skills etc for manually adding kits? Though I know some my knowledge is too limited to really delve into adding Kits from the "Complete" books to help auto populate the fields.

    Thanks in advance if you are able.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Merell View Post
    Celestian, any possibility to share the wording to add abilities, skills etc for manually adding kits? Though I know some my knowledge is too limited to really delve into adding Kits from the "Complete" books to help auto populate the fields.

    Thanks in advance if you are able.
    I'm actually tweaking those a bit right now as I am in the final stages of some of the handbook conversions. They do mostly work the same as the 5E ruleset but I've added a few new options for AD&D specific items.

    There are 3 keywords for "features" that you want to have a choice/selection list with.

    "weapon specialization"
    The end result for specialization will give them the weapon proficiency with +1hit/+2 damage.

    "weapon proficiency"
    The end result for specialization will give them the weapon proficiency.

    "non-weapon proficiency"
    The end result for non-weapon will give them the non-weapon proficiency.

    When a match of those strings is found the parser will look for this in the text of the feature.

    "Choose (%w+) from among ([^$%.]+)"

    %w+ is expected to be the word "one" or "two" or "three" and so on (up to nine). It will expect a comma delimited list of names after "from among *".

    An example from a kit I am working on.

    Feature name: Myrmidon Bonus Weapon Specialization
    Text within Feature:
    The Myrmidon kit is allowed to make a weapon specialization choice.
    Choose one from among Battle axe, Composite long bow, Composite short bow, Long bow, Heavy crossbow, Light crossbow, Lance, Polearm, Spear, Long Sword, Short Sword, Bastard Sword or Two-Handed Sword.
    That should pretty much do all ya need for kits.
    Last edited by celestian; April 21st, 2019 at 20:58.
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  10. #20
    Earlier, I had reported 'Morning Star' as missing. Later, on a whim, I decided to compare to the PDF (which I had not previously owned) and 'Mancatcher' is also missing. I think that it would be wise to check weapons in that alphabetical range to see if they exist. I did not check further due to limited time.


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