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  1. #71
    I'm here just to voice my excitement for this release, as i am currently following the progress over twitter and reading the book.
    I plan to run it over Fantasy Grounds Unity later this year.
    Will sure be using the oficial Syrinscape soundset over discord to set the mood, i guess me and my friends will have a blast going through this campaing!

  2. #72
    Thank you for taking the effort to get the new Masks of Nyarlhatotep ready for Fantasy Grounds. I'm awaiting the progress with eager anticipation

  3. #73

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by vegaserik View Post
    Any update to this?
    Based on information that I've gleaned over time from a variety of sources, I would not expect it to be available until next year, at the least. It is something I'd love to have along with Orient Express, but they are huge and conversion is slow, and both are being done as side projects by community developers who aren't paid, so can only expect so much.

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Based on information that I've gleaned over time from a variety of sources, I would not expect it to be available until next year, at the least. It is something I'd love to have along with Orient Express, but they are huge and conversion is slow, and both are being done as side projects by community developers who aren't paid, so can only expect so much.
    Developed by people who aren't paid? And somehow we'll have to pay a lot for it?

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