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  1. #1

    One-2-One games (Cthulu, GUMSHOE & others)

    The Bundle of Holding out this week is for a series of one GM, one player games, including a game on my mid-term to-do list, Cthulu Confidential/One-2-One: https://bundleofholding.com/presents/BundleForTwo2

    Pelgrane Press is coming out with 9 more adventures for Cthulu Confidential here and is in pre-order for a Night's Black Agents version of One-2-One, known as NBA: Solo Ops.

    Has anyone run these on FG? MoreCore could be a good choice since the character sheet can accept Image, Story, and Note links, which could be used to simulate and keep the Edge and Problem cards players earn/get stuck with during the game. And damned just released a Trail of Cthulu MoreCore ruleset that could be tweaked to fit to Cthulu One-2-One (a simplified version of Trail of Cthulu, plus the above-mentioned card mechanic).

    Note that this is a game that helped launch (at least partly) the award-winning Harlem Unbound, with its great cover art and fascinating-on-many-levels setting:

    Tabletop Audio liked Harlem Unbound so much that a custom soundset was created for this setting, the Cotton Club.
    Attached Images Attached Images

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Hola Hector
    I have Cthulhu Confidential and to my disappointment it looks like I will need to read a goodly chunk of the rulebook to work out the differences to standard Gumshoe.
    If you have read the rules and would like to present me with the changes required from ToC/Eso extensions I will certainly have a look at building it out for MoreCore

  3. #3
    I have Cthulhu Confidential and plan on running with my wife this year. Great theme, love the noir feel just from reading the book.

    Now I don't have a firm grasp on the rules but I don't think there needs to be much automation or custom rollers built. The one thing I recall is that if you have a 2 in a skill you roll one die at a time because if you pass the challenge with one die you can spend the second for an Edge I believe.

    Now the game does use player aids called Edge and Problem cards. These are cards that get handed to the player that have either a bonus or hindrance on them. If you deal with a Problem before the scenario concludes that is a negative to the ending or something like that. Anyways, I don't think there needs to be any functionality added for this but if the character sheet had an area where the player could drag images and list them and remove them as they are spent/solved that would be nice. I am assuming that the GM would just have each Edge/Problem as an image since that is easier than typing it all in and dragging/dropping those.

  4. #4
    I can answer in more detail later, but the rules differences are:
    —investigation abilities have no points—it’s binary. You have the skill (and get clues with no spends) or you don’t.
    —General abilities have ratings which are the number of dice you can roll in a test.
    —Spends of Investigation (and maybe General) abilities are replaced by Pushes. You start with 4 and can maybe earn more and certainly spend them. You could track these with the Hero Points field.
    —the card mechanic referred to previously can be handled as images or notes or story entires or a combination.

    Your existing use of a skill without a spend can be adapted well for this version of GUMSHOE.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by NotRussellCrowe View Post
    I have Cthulhu Confidential and plan on running with my wife this year. Great theme, love the noir feel just from reading the book.

    Now I don't have a firm grasp on the rules but I don't think there needs to be much automation or custom rollers built. The one thing I recall is that if you have a 2 in a skill you roll one die at a time because if you pass the challenge with one die you can spend the second for an Edge I believe.

    Now the game does use player aids called Edge and Problem cards. These are cards that get handed to the player that have either a bonus or hindrance on them. If you deal with a Problem before the scenario concludes that is a negative to the ending or something like that. Anyways, I don't think there needs to be any functionality added for this but if the character sheet had an area where the player could drag images and list them and remove them as they are spent/solved that would be nice. I am assuming that the GM would just have each Edge/Problem as an image since that is easier than typing it all in and dragging/dropping those.
    I’d love to play, NotRussellCrowe!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Hector Trelane View Post
    I’d love to play, NotRussellCrowe!

    I'm going to try it out with my wife first and see how it goes but if I like it I'll happily run more. There's a new book coming out soon (TM) with 9 more scenarios in it, three per character,so there's a bit of life in this system so lots to enjoy. I get the feeling from the little reading I've done that writing scenarios for this system is a bit more complex than other games. At least that's the feeling I get.

    Edit: or, instead of waiting I could read up a bit and make my inaugural run of the system using MoreCore as long as you're okay being used for testing purposes
    Last edited by NotRussellCrowe; February 14th, 2019 at 17:26.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by NotRussellCrowe View Post

    I'm going to try it out with my wife first and see how it goes but if I like it I'll happily run more. There's a new book coming out soon (TM) with 9 more scenarios in it, three per character,so there's a bit of life in this system so lots to enjoy. I get the feeling from the little reading I've done that writing scenarios for this system is a bit more complex than other games. At least that's the feeling I get.

    Edit: or, instead of waiting I could read up a bit and make my inaugural run of the system using MoreCore as long as you're okay being used for testing purposes
    Yes I’d be happy to play the role of Guineau pig

    I have read only the Red Mist, a free sample adventure by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan (which is great, and I could run). I also have a hard copy of a A Cable’s Length From Shore— a sequel by the same author. Haven’t read it yet, and still need the PDF.

    damned, I think these One-2-One adventures would be ideal candidates for a full commercial release.

    There is a One-2-One SRD funded by, but not yet released from, The Yellow King Kickstarter. (A stretch goal.) So the rules can be a public domain module (I’ll work on that one as well.)

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Hector Trelane View Post
    Yes I’d be happy to play the role of Guineau pig

    I have read only the Red Mist, a free sample adventure by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan (which is great, and I could run). I also have a hard copy of a A Cable’s Length From Shore— a sequel by the same author. Haven’t read it yet, and still need the PDF.
    I'll run something from the book and leave those two for you to run sometime. Just pick which of the three protagonists you want to have your first scenario with.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by NotRussellCrowe View Post
    I'll run something from the book and leave those two for you to run sometime. Just pick which of the three protagonists you want to have your first scenario with.
    Any of the three are good but Langston Wright is especially intriguing ...

  10. #10
    damned's Avatar
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    NotRussellCrowe could you download the Trail Of Cthulhu extension + MoreCore Ruleset and give it a short whirl.
    From the above it sounds like the changes needed to tweak this might be:

    Thats good Hector thanks
    relabelling Hero Points to Push - easy.
    The character sheet already supports players dragging images to their sheet - is the current frame ok for that or wold you say want an additional small frame on the front page?
    For rolling - if you only roll 1 dice still - and have the option to reroll if you have more points then the current mechanic already supports that - but possibly the default double-click behavior (roll and spend) should be switched with the shift+double-click behavior (roll and no spend)?
    customise the list of skills that are generated for new characters
    And then themed out?

    Thats probably one days work the theme being the big part.

    Id be happy to do that as there is some interest in this...

    re: commercial release there probably has not yet been enough interest expressed on either this or Trail of Cthulhu just yet but will certainly be monitoring.

    I do also have an Esoterrorists one that is almost ready to go.

    I wonder if the Gumshoe 1 to 1 system plays ok with 2 players still?

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