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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Qaos View Post
    So I downloaded my calendar into FGU. However, I noticed that all the months start on the first day (Mon). They don't continue through the week from the previous month. Can anyone help me figure out why that is?

    EG: Jan has 29 days and the 29th is on Wed. Feb 1 starts on Mon (1st day of the week) instead of Thur (the next day after Jan 29th)
    The way to make the days roll over from month to month correctly requires an extension. I added one to the first post which is generic and should work for any calendar that doesnt have leap years. You just add the lunar day handler code in the calendar modules db.xml file, and you make sure to enable the extension.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord https://discord.gg/rob2e

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Qaos View Post
    So I downloaded my calendar into FGU. However, I noticed that all the months start on the first day (Mon). They don't continue through the week from the previous month. Can anyone help me figure out why that is?

    EG: Jan has 29 days and the 29th is on Wed. Feb 1 starts on Mon (1st day of the week) instead of Thur (the next day after Jan 29th)
    Figured it out. needed this line in the db.xml file:
    <lunardaycalc type="string">TalDorei</lunardaycalc>

    Still have an issue with the .lua file (working on fixing it)

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Isanti, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by Qaos View Post
    Hi, New here. I just downloaded FGU and am starting a Tal'Dorei campaign. I was hoping to find a calendar that was already made, but I have not.
    I made one a couple years ago, right here: Help with making a custom Calendar ext for Critical Role "Tal-dorei campaign guide"

  4. #24
    Hi, I am about as plebian as they come with coding. I am also a visual learner. is there any way you could do a video tutorial of this for the complete layman? I understand completely if you don't have the time/inclination. Appreciate your efforts regardless!

  5. #25
    Yeah, I read through this stuff and my brain starts to turn to mush, even though I know how to do HTML and some other coding, so the ideas are familiar.

    https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product...gious-Calendar (It's free and the setting is EXCELLENT)

    I have 12 months, each has 6, 5 day weeks.

    On the second day of all weeks there is a high mass for one religion, but there are a smattering of other holidays all over the place.

    Is there an easy way to approach these holiday placements?

    (Mostly I just wish there was an existing Harn Calandar out there. lol)

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Broadcast Bard View Post
    Yeah, I read through this stuff and my brain starts to turn to mush, even though I know how to do HTML and some other coding, so the ideas are familiar.

    https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product...gious-Calendar (It's free and the setting is EXCELLENT)

    I have 12 months, each has 6, 5 day weeks.

    On the second day of all weeks there is a high mass for one religion, but there are a smattering of other holidays all over the place.

    Is there an easy way to approach these holiday placements?

    (Mostly I just wish there was an existing Harn Calandar out there. lol)
    Try this one
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by mattekure; May 10th, 2020 at 14:54.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord https://discord.gg/rob2e

  7. #27
    Sorry for the post necromancy. Still using Classic Fantasy Grounds (Steam not selling the upgrade yet) and I'm trying to include the calendar directly in a campaign setting mod I'm making. Is there a way to do this, or do I need to include it directly in a module? Is that possible, or do I need to include both if I distribute the module for other GMs?

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by shanevedvik View Post
    Sorry for the post necromancy. Still using Classic Fantasy Grounds (Steam not selling the upgrade yet) and I'm trying to include the calendar directly in a campaign setting mod I'm making. Is there a way to do this, or do I need to include it directly in a module? Is that possible, or do I need to include both if I distribute the module for other GMs?
    Its possible. But you cant create the calendar from within FG. so to include it you would need to create your module. extract it and define the calendar within the db.xml, then rezip it up into a module. Most though will keep it as a separate module so it can be updated and shared. its also helpful to have it separate since you would need to go back and re-add the calendar stuff after every module export if it were part of the campaign setting module.
    Last edited by mattekure; May 7th, 2020 at 15:56.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord https://discord.gg/rob2e

  9. #29
    Great tutorial, cheers mate. Got everything working except for one thing. While the calendar displays the dates and days correctly, the day name displayed at the top of the window, and the day name when pushed to chat, show the wrong day. I think it seems to be stretching the week over the entire year, as all the days in each couple months give the same name, but as you progress to later months, it shows later days in the week... Very strange.
    Example: https://puu.sh/FSTIb/8040e21c3a.jpg

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Highlad View Post
    Great tutorial, cheers mate. Got everything working except for one thing. While the calendar displays the dates and days correctly, the day name displayed at the top of the window, and the day name when pushed to chat, show the wrong day. I think it seems to be stretching the week over the entire year, as all the days in each couple months give the same name, but as you progress to later months, it shows later days in the week... Very strange.
    Example: https://puu.sh/FSTIb/8040e21c3a.jpg
    Can you post the calendar you are seeing this with? I dont see that in any of my tests. Also, do you have any other extensions running?
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord https://discord.gg/rob2e

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