Good evening, everyone! I'm a Wednesday night in-person DM who also participated in a Monday night campaign that fell apart due to the DM having scheduling conflicts. I'm seeking a group to join here to fill the void that has been left since I have been reduced to only having my own campaign currently. Even that has been rife with attendance issues because my players have had personal calamities (loss of transportation, losing tons of their possessions, etc).

Basically, I'd like to be a player on FG to learn the ropes, and after I do so, I'd be more than happy to DM if necessary. I just really miss playing good ol' D&D as much as I was before.

Wednesday nights are off limits since I DM on those nights. 2nd and 4th weekends are certainly possible but they would need to be quite late since I work until around 8 PM. Monday nights I am always off by 4 PM and I'm usually off completely on Tuesdays. 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends are off limits since I have my children on those days.

I've got a mic and even a webcam if need be. I usually play Clerics/Bards/Monks, though I've got some experience playing a Rogue and a Fighter as well. I certainly lean more toward enjoying Role Playing, but I enjoy combat as well. I'm all about making sure that the group has fun, so if my character has a problem with decisions being made, I still won't let it hamper the narrative even if my character is foaming at the mouth with "I DON'T WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS!"

Looking forward to hearing from you!