5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    Thank you for that. I was able to get some information from Damned on Discord and was able to narrow down this issue to being in the manager_char.lua file. I just didn't have time to analysis or push changes before realizing I was going to be late for work lol.

    I'm going to try to go through was Damned recommended and clean out some of the files, along with this change. Hopefully have the updates done soon.

  2. #12
    - Slimmed down the extension by removing lots of unneeded files; reducing size of ext by ~ 60%.
    - Fixed the view on party sheet window where sanity and honor were sitting on top of one another.
    - Updated lua scripts to incorporate latest 5E ruleset version of scripts

    I'd like to get some testing with how this extension now interacts with other extensions and modules.

    Extension source and download

    After some testing is done on this release, the original post will be updated to this version.

  3. #13
    Pulled down the latest version (v1.2.1), however the HON and SAN text for the ability scores on the player sheet does not show. Reverted back to v1.1.0 and it works fine. Not sure if this happens for anyone else yet. Figured I would comment here in case that isn't an isolated issue.
    Last edited by MTVExtreme; October 7th, 2018 at 23:52.

  4. #14
    I just noticed that when starting our session this evening. It's a missing line in the 5E_strings.xml. I'll have 1.2.2 pushed up late this evening.

  5. #15
    This is quite a nice extension to have, but I've noticed that in your xml files, you're recreating the entire character sheet and npc sheets. This is entirely unnecessary and negates compatibility with any extensions that modify the character sheet.
    in the windowclass like so
    <windowclass name="charsheet" merge="join">
         <sheetdata merge="join">
    maximizes compatibility.

    Here's the char_record_main.xml to show that you only need to add your additions to the character sheet, not remake the whole character sheet.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by xxXEliteXxx; October 11th, 2018 at 22:59.

  6. #16

  7. #17
    Okay, Damned has told me this a little while back, but wasn't sure exactly how to implement it and it had fallen to wayside after the bugs were worked out. I'll look at slimming down all the .xml files. Thank you for the reference.

    EDIT: v1.2.3 xml files now do the merging.
    Last edited by Ezio; October 13th, 2018 at 05:06. Reason: updated

  8. #18
    Hey all. I'm having an issue when I try to use this Extension & the Vitality extension. Any chance these can play nice together?

  9. #19
    Could I ask a little favor?
    I'm running a homebrew 5E Birthright game, and instead of sanity and honor, I need a score for Bloodline (BLD). Could I ask that someone please make a version of the character sheet in this thread with Bloodline (BLD) as an ability score? I would be happy with Sanity and Bloodline, if having two scores is easier to edit. Thank you!

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by trenth99 View Post
    Hey all. I'm having an issue when I try to use this Extension & the Vitality extension. Any chance these can play nice together?
    I haven't tested with the Vitality extension. Is there somewhere I can get the extension to do some testing with? Also can you describe what isn't working.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armandeus View Post
    Could I ask a little favor?
    I'm running a homebrew 5E Birthright game, and instead of sanity and honor, I need a score for Bloodline (BLD). Could I ask that someone please make a version of the character sheet in this thread with Bloodline (BLD) as an ability score? I would be happy with Sanity and Bloodline, if having two scores is easier to edit. Thank you!

    Armandeus, do you just want the standard character sheet w/ one additional stat, Bloodline?

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