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  1. #1

    [FGDAZE] Learn to play GUMSHOE/The Esoterrorists intro scenario

    [FGDAZE] Learn to play GUMSHOE/The Esoterrorists intro scenario!

    • Session Time: 2100 US Eastern (Convert to your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclo...1&p1=3918&ah=3)
    • Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=3119
    • Number of Players: 2-3
    • Short Description: Beginners welcome--no experience required. This is a learning scenario specifically designed to teach the GUMSHOE rules system.
    • Text/Voice: Voice
    • GM License/Player License: Ultimate GM License (Players can use free/demo client)
    • Game System: GUMSHOE
    • Genre: Investigation Horror
    • Newbie Friendly: Yes! Beginners welcome--no experience required. This is a learning scenario specifically designed to teach the GUMSHOE rules system.
    • Pre-requisites: None
    • Voicechat via: Discord

      About the Game
    • Info on Esoterrorists background: You are elite investigators combating the plots of the Esoterrorists, a loose affiliation of occult terrorists intent on tearing the fabric of the world and letting the monsters in. Unlike other investigative roleplaying games, The Esoterrorists’ GUMSHOE rules system ensures that the plot never grinds to a halt due to a failed die roll. As top paranormal detectives, you never fail in your areas of expertise. When necessary, you can expend extra effort to glean more from the evidence than any plodding journeyman could hope to find.
    • Pregenerated characters?: Yes, they are provided.


      About this Scenario--AUTHOR’S NOTE
    • "A Night on the Town has been written as a demonstration scenario for The Esoterrorists RPG. It arose after the author realised that the GUMSHOE system brought a specific set of expectations to the gaming table. These skills, while easy to learn, can be difficult to explain without examples, and are best demonstrated in play."
    • "As a note, this scenario was originally written as filler session in a larger The Esoterrorists campaign, and was designed specifically to introduce a new player to the game."
    • "The author would also like to attribute thanks to Kevin Kulp for his excellent demonstration scenario ‘Stowaway’ (available as a free pdf at https://www.pelgranepress.com), without which this adventure would have never been written."
    Last edited by Hector Trelane; June 13th, 2018 at 20:52. Reason: Added credits and "About this Scenario"

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Blog Entries
    I played in the good Hector Trelanes one shot of The Esoterrorists on Sunday.
    Great props and fun adventure.
    I grabbed a screenshot from about half way thru the session.

    Jump in!

  3. #3
    Thanks for the compliment, damned!

    One player signed up so far (confirmed on the calendar). Two more seats open!

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  4. #4
    “Hey, I’m a street rat, remember? I’ll improvise.”

  5. #5
    Welcome to the forum, Alex!

  6. #6
    Ellspeth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Where the north begins and pure water flows, eastern time zone USA
    Blog Entries
    I would love to sign up for this, we haven't played in a game together since you ran Fiasco. Unfortunately this starts before the game I am running ends.

  7. #7
    Awesome. Never used FG before, but really would like to get my feet wet with Esoterrorists.

  8. #8
    Welcome, MayDar, to the forum and the game! I've reserved you a seat, along with Stx11 and jvkdsh. We've got a quorum, so the game is on!

    Greetings, Ellspeth. Let's be sure to get in a game together soon. (I've been on a long absence for work reasons but now I'm back in the saddle.)

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  9. #9
    Players, here's an advanced peek at the PCs: There are three pre-gen characters in this scenario:

    Denholm Carter, Technical Specialist;

    Kristy Grey, Negotiator;

    and Adam Washington, Security Specialist.

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Hector Trelane; June 18th, 2018 at 11:57. Reason: Added portraits

  10. #10
    ...And here are the character sheets for each! [Sorry for the big size.]:

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

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