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  1. #21
    skj310's Avatar
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    Hey there [celestian]

    Perhaps you ought to put in a comment that this will supercede this extension:

    and therefore to disable/replace the usage of the above with yours.

  2. #22
    Intruder's Avatar
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    I just installed this very useful extension and had an unusual observation with it.
    By the way, many thanks for this as it is proving to be something I would want to use all the time!

    I applied a simple "DMGTYPE: silver" to a weapon as a result of purchasing powdered silver from one of my Vendors (DOE: Locations Extension).
    I know I can just add it to the characters record sheet but just wanted to put this extension to immediate use and testing.

    When the PC equipped it, the extension placed (2) identical effects to the CT.
    When the PC 'not carried' it, the extension removed just (1) of the effects.
    When the PC 'carried' it, the extension removed the other (1) effect.

    I realize it is a trivial point, but wanted to point it out because the effect from the weapon applied to any other weapon equipped and used.
    I realized that I had inadvertently deleted, then re-added the same effect while the character was in the CT.
    The first effect stayed in the CT and didn't remove itself.
    The character must be removed from the CT if an effect is altered.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Intruder View Post
    I realized that I had inadvertently deleted, then re-added the same effect while the character was in the CT.
    The first effect stayed in the CT and didn't remove itself.
    The character must be removed from the CT if an effect is altered.
    It should adjust the effect if it's modified on the item but if you delete the effect from the item you'll need to manually remove it from the character (or you can remove and re-add the character in the CT).
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  4. #24
    An effect like: "SKILL: [PFR] history" or "SKILL: [WIS] history" does not populate properly when the character is added to the combat tracker. When applied, it should automatically replace [PFR] or [WIS] with the associated numerical value from the character sheet.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Wargrim Deephelm View Post
    An effect like: "SKILL: [PFR] history" or "SKILL: [WIS] history" does not populate properly when the character is added to the combat tracker. When applied, it should automatically replace [PFR] or [WIS] with the associated numerical value from the character sheet.
    I tried the same "SKILL: [WIS] history" drag/drop from the "Effects" records list and it doesn't do anything different than the advanced effects as best I can tell. Meaning the effect still showed as "SKILL: [WIS] history" effect on the npc/pc.

    If you can show me where it does something differently I'll see if I can figure out how the apply from advanced effects is different. Although I suspect you're just suppose to put "WIS" or "CHA" or "CON" in the bracket section w/o brackets. 5E isn't my game sorry.

    Last edited by celestian; November 15th, 2017 at 15:39.
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  6. #26
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Hey Celestian.

    Adding an effect which uses an ability from the effects dialog won't work since FG does not know who the [WIS] belongs to and so it can't determine the value. Such an effect would therefore need to be added from the player's action tab to work correctly.

    See the graphic attached. The 'Special Ring' I effect I created when placed on the character shows correctly as SKILL: 2 History (the character's WIS is 14 giving him a +2 bonus). However the same effect attached to the Signet Ring is not translating the WIS bonus. I suspect that the same thing is happening when it is adding from your extension as happens when you add from the effects dialog. The item is not recognising the fact that it is 'this' character who is applying the effect so it doesn't know where to get the WIS score from.
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  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Hey Celestian.

    Adding an effect which uses an ability from the effects dialog won't work since FG does not know who the [WIS] belongs to and so it can't determine the value. Such an effect would therefore need to be added from the player's action tab to work correctly.

    See the graphic attached. The 'Special Ring' I effect I created when placed on the character shows correctly as SKILL: 2 History (the character's WIS is 14 giving him a +2 bonus). However the same effect attached to the Signet Ring is not translating the WIS bonus. I suspect that the same thing is happening when it is adding from your extension as happens when you add from the effects dialog. The item is not recognising the fact that it is 'this' character who is applying the effect so it doesn't know where to get the WIS score from.
    I'll have to look at that. Wasn't aware of this type of effect so didn't test for it. Right now the "item" applies the effect to the person. I'm guessing it wants the person to apply the effect to the person for this to work. That might be a problem with some of the other mechanics of this (specifically effect knowing what item manages the effect).

    I'm off work all next week so will see if I can't come up with a workable solution.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  8. #28
    This is amazing, this should be in the base program. Thanks for your great work!

  9. #29

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    Welcome to the forums, Richstall!

  10. #30
    Armour & Shield AC Equiping and Uneqiping is a little Dicky
    If a PC is wearing Armour and carrying a shield Unequiping the armor removes the shield as well when it should just remove the armor AC

    If you unequip a shield it removes the shield AC bonus..Good. When the shield is reEquiped it doesnts add it back on

    (..and i see when I come unto you that I bear only ill and carry all but tidings dire)
    "When questing once in noble wood of gray medieval pine, I came upon a tomb, rain-slicked, rubbed cool, ethereal, its inscription long vanished, yet still within its melancholy fissures."

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