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  1. #11
    We generally try to operate as much as possible. Will you be trying to learn how to play, make a character, or just check it out? Either way join us when you can...~! We have a few time zones covered, what TZ are you in?

  2. #12
    I am in PST time zone. I think learning to play with FG is the first step to being a good DM using the tool. Therefore, yes, I will be wanting to learn to play, make characters, etc.

  3. #13
    EST late night would be best. thanks

  4. #14
    I personally will not be online as much at that time, but we do have night owls and other time zones somewhat covered.

  5. #15
    Just had a 1hr session with Colin, and I must say that it was great, really useful.
    Colin was really kind, and the software is really amazing.

    Still a lot to learn but hey, that was fun!

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MJFargion View Post
    Just had a 1hr session with Colin, and I must say that it was great, really useful.
    Colin was really kind, and the software is really amazing.

    Still a lot to learn but hey, that was fun!
    I am glad you enjoyed and were able to train today! Colincbn is awesome!

  7. #17
    We need some class times. I need to learn the program. I know D&D 5e good. I DM a group in RL

  8. #18
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by michaelzep View Post
    We need some class times. I need to learn the program. I know D&D 5e good. I DM a group in RL
    Join the Discord server linked. Classes run all the time, and there is almost always someone online who can help you whenever you need.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  9. #19
    I am new to FG and, frankly, D&D (Cyberpunk and Warhammer, some homebrew systems). I am from Europe (Central Europe to be exact) and I`d like to ask if there are any DMs who will be willing to show me the works?

  10. #20
    The simple answer is yes. The complication is timing and to meet up at the correct time. Please join us, read the Wiki notes, and post a message in the lessons text channel. We do have players and a DM in the UK, a bit closer to your time zone, no? Please follow the link and check us out... We are building our teachers up and creating a standard of teaching and a should, well rounded carriculum as I write this... See ya soon!

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