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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Majyk View Post
    Ardem just had a dump of us last session on Wed.
    Will ask if it was just a network issue that had us lose connectivity, or if a crash itself.
    Can you replicate it or provide me details of what you were doing at the time along with any extensions being used so I can try to track it down?


  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnD View Post
    I've thought about it a bit more and had a discussion with someone who was playing at the time and was reminded of what I had said at the time; as soon as any rolls that required the Resolver started to take place, memory usage just kept on increasing and nothing would stop it. If we went for a time without any rolls, it would still keep increasing, and heavily roll intensive sessions would drive the number up quickly.

    That computer only had 6 gb of ram, and I remember FG would always hit 3 gb at crash. I had done everything I could to reduce memory usage; no tokens in the folder, no tokens shared, minimal maps etc... shared and unshared as soon as not needed, etc... but it never made a difference.

    This was the same computer I began using RMC on back in 2012 when I first bought FG... so it seemed like something had changed in how memory was being used/managed in the ruleset, but as I've said previously, on a new computer and I've yet to see any crashing (although I'm waiting for the ruleset to enter 2019 before I seriously begin to use it again).
    Thanks that helps. I've barely touched the table resolver since I took over the ruleset and unfortunately, it's the most complicated portion of the ruleset. I will see if I can track it down since it is likely to continue in a CoreRPG version of the ruleset.

  3. #83
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Have not tested it out yet to see exactly what it was, but it was a mood dump. So upon changing the mood it crashed to desktop. We are playing FRP but FRP has no changes around the mood settings, so it be using FG/RMC code, also was using the Test version of FG and everyone else was using the Live version.

    I would not worry until I test it out, and figure out exactly what it was, I tend not to use Moods much. It was repeatable twice.

    It could be a bunch of things, so ignore for now till I sort out, if it was a FG test exe issue.

  4. #84
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardem View Post
    Have not tested it out yet to see exactly what it was, but it was a mood dump. So upon changing the mood it crashed to desktop. We are playing FRP but FRP has no changes around the mood settings, so it be using FG/RMC code, also was using the Test version of FG and everyone else was using the Live version.
    Reported a couple of months ago and should already be fixed - see here (post #6 describes the issue and post #8 is where Dakadin says he thinks he's fixed it): https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...245-FG-Problem

    It was fixed in the March 12th update: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...arch-12th-2019
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #85
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    Which I was running, but as I said ignore till I really look into it. Just not had the time yet.

  6. #86
    Majyk's Avatar
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    Just thinking about the new version to be and wondering aloud about an improvement to the tables where Chaining rolls on tables for combat could be setup and auto “spit out” to the chat window.

    This would speed play even more - immensely so - and free up the GM from the tedious, repetitive task of looking up the result with a click, dragging the result to a crit table, copying the result, then pasting it to the chat window.
    There might even be another few steps in that process.

    Maybe for those that want more control, still have stops/pauses for GM interaction if they wish to edit DB modifiers with player-missed environment or situation mods, but otherwise let’r’rip for auto results being ported to the chat window with a single map icon/combat tracker targeted PC/NPC.
    There or in the Combat tab that imports into the Combat Tracker.

    Hopefully that is a dream that can become a reality for our poor beleaguered RM GMs.
    I think that would drive even more players in becoming GMs themselves for our favourite 40+ish yr old game!

    Heck, even if possible for this version, as an easy update in the backend!

    even expanding upon this, having a checkbox for Shield/Metal Or Leather Armour/Helmet section vs just mere entries in the Combat Tracker.
    This would then be easier to “lookup” being attached to NPCs/PCs and auto-trigger these kinds of table lookup mods for BAR rolls for spell efficacy, too!
    Last edited by Majyk; October 20th, 2019 at 22:01.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Majyk View Post
    Just thinking about the new version to be and wondering aloud about an improvement to the tables where Chaining rolls on tables for combat could be setup and auto “spit out” to the chat window.

    This would speed play even more - immensely so - and free up the GM from the tedious, repetitive task of looking up the result with a click, dragging the result to a crit table, copying the result, then pasting it to the chat window.
    There might even be another few steps in that process.

    Maybe for those that want more control, still have stops/pauses for GM interaction if they wish to edit DB modifiers with player-missed environment or situation mods, but otherwise let’r’rip for auto results being ported to the chat window with a single map icon/combat tracker targeted PC/NPC.
    There or in the Combat tab that imports into the Combat Tracker.

    Hopefully that is a dream that can become a reality for our poor beleaguered RM GMs.
    I think that would drive even more players in becoming GMs themselves for our favourite 40+ish yr old game!

    Heck, even if possible for this version, as an easy update in the backend!
    Yes, I definitely plan on adding options like this. It might not be in the initial conversion but should be one of the first updates. I've been keeping it low key but I've been making much better progress now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Majyk View Post
    even expanding upon this, having a checkbox for Shield/Metal Or Leather Armour/Helmet section vs just mere entries in the Combat Tracker.
    This would then be easier to “lookup” being attached to NPCs/PCs and auto-trigger these kinds of table lookup mods for BAR rolls for spell efficacy, too!
    I actually already have a plan for this in my current working code. It might change but you can currently select the items you have equipped for armor, helmet, primary hand, secondary hand, and adder/multiplier.
    RMC Equipment.JPG
    The items keep track of whether the material is none, leather or metal for a few locations. Here is an example of the Leather Breastplate:
    RMC Leather Breastplate.JPG
    I do still need to review a list of criticals that apply to certain locations to make sure I've covered all the bases though.

    The items still need a lot of work but they are finally coming together and I still have a lot to do but I've been able to play my game with it for a few months. We've been encountering bugs and I've been adding new CoreRPG functionality and new features periodically.

    I am hoping to run a few one shots in a month or two just to see if I can track down any other bugs once I have most of the current bugs worked out and major features in place. I have to take care of the 46 open issues first though. The effects will be the next major hurdle at this point but Trenloe pointed me in the right direction a few months ago. I just have had so much other stuff to work on that I haven't gotten around to it. :P

  8. #88
    Majyk's Avatar
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    Very, very, sexy Good Sir!

    This should have us lemmings jazzed like crazy with those snazzy snaps you posted. Thanks a tonne for throwing out these breadcrumbs we’re all starvin’ for. Much appreciated.

    I am in multiple streaming groups that are keen to help in any kind of playtesting you need - just let us know when ready.

  9. #89

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