1. #1

    Minimum Requirements for Getting Started with Fantasy Grounds with D&D 5e

    I've been paper and pencil gaming for nearly 35 years but circumstances with a new group require that we look for an online setup for D&D 5e. Fantasy Grounds looks to be a great solution but the various option packages have got me a little puzzled as to what exactly I (as the GM0 and my players need. I understand that depending on what package I buy they can simply use the players can use the demo version of the software but I'd also like to have the rulebooks available within Fantasy Grounds for my own reference and for others to reference in case they don't have access to their personal copies. Is it possible for me to pay for the ultimate level of the software (to allow players to use the free demo) and the digital versions of the core books and share them during the game with my players?

    I am not trying to be cheap here, I just don't want to pay for stuff that is unnecessary for what we need. I'd rather spend it on things that will be used and make the experience better. Thanks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Isanti, MN
    GM gets ultimate. Players can then all use demos. If the GM gets standard, then all players will also require standard. Main difference in the two setups is that with the former, the GM will always be the GM, while with the latter, GM duties can be passed around.

    Basic D&D 5E is supplied with all licenses, but it will require the GM to manually enter anything not in the SRD. The GM will have to determine if the cost of buying additional books / modules / adventures is worth the time savings.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Jacksonville, FL
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    If you get the Ultimate License (subscription or purchase, either way) then your players don't have to buy a license if they want, you can fill your table with demo users. Or if everyone gets the Standard / Full / Whatever it's called this week license ($40 full price, goes on sale for $32-ish every couple weeks) then that's good too plus any of them can GM their own games.

    The GM of any game can set his source material to be shared with the players. Fantasy Grounds comes with the 5E SRD modules already there so you can start playing immediately. The Players Handbook (called the Complete Core Pack in FG) is also available (also goes on sale every couple weeks) and can be shared so players can work on their characters built with the PHB while connected to your server.
    [DO NOT EVER share GM material like the DMG or MM or anything else. It uses up a crapton of memory for the players, drastically increases the file transfer time and they can't use that data anyway.]

    Also, see this thread by @Zaccheus, lots of good info.
    Last edited by Talyn; March 11th, 2017 at 17:10.

  4. #4
    Thank you for the quick and thorough responses. I will check out that thread for more information before asking redundant questions.

  5. #5
    Also welcome to the forums and FG Community.

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