Thread: 7E queries

  1. #1

    7E queries

    We're about to start our first session with the new 7E ruleset, and initial queries.

    • What is the +drop icon in the lower left, next to the modifier buttons? I couldn't find an explanation for any of these buttons in the manual - rest are clear but the +drop isn't. Some characters get max damage with this (what's that for?), but some characters don't get the max dmg for all weapons.
    • How do I export images to another campaign and keeping their grouping?
    • Is there a way to disable the "Spend x of your y luck to succeed" prompts? We're not using that rule as it's too pulpy.
    • Where is the desktop background image and decal situated? I'd like to change them to Achtung! Cthulhu ones.
    • Combat tracker monster visibility is still the counter-intuitive way: it shows green when the monster is not visible, which is opposite the expected behavior. I've messed up surprise encounters more than once because of this.
    • The extremely obtuse UI remains, but I guess that's not the fault of the ruleset. The Reference section in Library should be clearer. I believe the "Call of Cthulhu 7e" should be "Keeper reference" and "CoC 7e Reference" should be "Investigator Reference". They also seem to duplicate some tables from the "Game System" section.
    • When adding a new skill, the UI scrolls to the top. When starting to type the new skill, the skill and cursor automatically go to the correct place within the list - but can end up off-screen. Would be better if the screen/scroll bar would follow the cursor.
    • I get duplicate entries of the same beasts and monsters, with different groupings. How do I get rid of the duplicates?
    • When a PC throws a skill, he gets the following result: [SKILL] Dodge (25%) [1d10+1t100]. What do the figures in the brackets mean? GM doesn't see them.

    As a GM, I'm really happy to see that monsters have stats as dice rolls, so now I don't get all of the same monster with the same stats (mainly Initiative and HP).

    The icons on the right side of the screen are much better than previously, and have a consistent and attractive art style.
    Last edited by Magnimost; February 4th, 2017 at 22:36.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Ia Magnimost,

    1. It is used when you get an Extreme Success on an attack. It triggers things like impaling.
    2. Export just uses CoreRPG functionality and should retain folder groupings. make sure you dont export as Read Only as there is a bug in that right now. Read Only really doesnt do much anyway.
    3. There is no way to disable this - we would have to rewrite a fair chunk of code to make that a GM option - sorry - Ill add it to the Wishlist but I cant promise anything at this stage.
    4. You can modify this by way of extension - there is a tutorial on decals on the https://www.fg-con.com/free-downloads site and there are some (old and partly broken but sufficient for understanding the desktop part) sample extensions that will show you how to use your own desktop image.
    5. I can see what you mean by green/red. We did re-usethe graphics from 6e for that. The green is actually eye-lids... let me think on that - while Ive never seen anyone else post this point it does have some merit.
    6. Could you provide morre information on the duplicate thing? Is this a good or bad thing? Its probably too late to change these names now as it will break links in peoples campaigns and exported modules.
    7. That is CoreRPG functionality and does the same in all rulesets. I have an idea I will bounce off ianmward
    8. You will have to explain in more detail please.
    9. I cannot replicate... the 1t100 is a custome %die that was built because the FG one is not compatible with the way that Bonus and penalty dice work in Call of Cthulhu.

  3. #3
    1. How is impale behavior controlled in the weapons? Is there a flag or term I need to use to which weapons impale? Some weapons don't work properly.
    2. I didn't export as read only, folders were not retained
    3. Thanks; the luck roll prompt makes the chat crowded, and doesn't need a reminder every single roll
    4. I edited the file CallOfCthulhu.pak under data/rulesets to include desktopdecal_coc.png under graphics/decals to the new one, it didn't change anything. So I need to check which extension or approach works? I frankly don't have time for that as every time I do customizations it gets overly complicated and time-consuming. Just as well, as every time there's an update to the ruleset or core software I need to manually revert any of my manual changes back which is a huge PITA. Hopefully one day there is a robust extension/plugin system for FG.
    5. I have noticed they are eyelids, it's just the color-coding which is counter-intuitive
    6. OK
    7. OK
    8. Screenshot of duplicate monsters attached. Not a big deal, but removing the dupes would look cleaner.
    9. Cannot replicate on my localhost test, either, may be that my players are full of badword :P
    Last edited by Magnimost; February 5th, 2017 at 10:57.

  4. #4
    About the duplicate monsters, do you have both 7E and 6E rulebook activated? It doesn't do that for me.

  5. #5

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    1.For PCs, Impaling is controlled using the word "Impales" in the weapon description (see the library weapons).
    For NPCs, the weapon damage has the format: <damage>[+db][|Imp]
    Knife (Impales): 1d3+db|Imp
    Rock (Doesn't impale): 1d3+db
    Rifle (Impales): 2d6+4|Imp

    3. I've made a change for the next release, making the spending of luck a game option.

    8. The screenshot shows that the duplicates are in different loaded library modules. The Official 7E ones are the ones marked "Deities of the Mythos", "Creatures of the Mythos", "Creatures of the Mythos" and "Beasts". The others are from the CoC 6th edition library module: "Denizens and Beasts".

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sjelsyk View Post
    About the duplicate monsters, do you have both 7E and 6E rulebook activated? It doesn't do that for me.
    How do I know? The modules don't follow any consistent naming convention.

    edit: nevermind, Mr Ward below answered and the dupes are gone. Thanks Ian!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ianmward View Post
    1.For PCs, Impaling is controlled using the word "Impales" in the weapon description (see the library weapons).
    For NPCs, the weapon damage has the format: <damage>[+db][|Imp]
    Knife (Impales): 1d3+db|Imp
    Rock (Doesn't impale): 1d3+db
    Rifle (Impales): 2d6+4|Imp

    3. I've made a change for the next release, making the spending of luck a game option.

    8. The screenshot shows that the duplicates are in different loaded library modules. The Official 7E ones are the ones marked "Deities of the Mythos", "Creatures of the Mythos", "Creatures of the Mythos" and "Beasts". The others are from the CoC 6th edition library module: "Denizens and Beasts".
    Thanks for the impale and dupe info, now it's clear. Really nice how impale is automated now. And extra thanks for the luck prompt becoming optional - it's not a big deal but I'm sure it de-clutters the chat nicely!

  8. #8
    Just bought the CofC 7e rule set. Good stuff.
    I am assuming the luck expenditure option has not been put in place at this time.

  9. #9
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steveonzakon View Post
    Just bought the CofC 7e rule set. Good stuff.
    I am assuming the luck expenditure option has not been put in place at this time.
    Not positive if that build has gone live just yet...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Not positive if that build has gone live just yet...
    It is now an option in the... options. Thanks, unchecked the option and it makes the chat window much clearer!

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