Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #21

    Join Date
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    Isanti, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by Nickademus View Post
    Streaming would be covered under 'transmitting' since the data does go through their server before being sent to the players. As long as 'audio assets' isn't added to the list of what is "Your Data", things should be fine. But as soon as they do add audio clips to it, all the Syrinscape files come into conflict.
    "Audio Assets" would be part of "Data".

  2. #22
    I don't think so. They specifically separate text and photos, so I believe that 'data' refers to something else. Raw data hash tables maybe. I would definitely contact them to get more information as those ToS are a bit overbearing.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  3. #23
    ddavison's Avatar
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    It's a fair concern with anything that is "free". I see a lot of services that start out with free, try to get the user count up as high as possible and then try to monetize those users -- either with ads, premium features or just by trying to sell the company to a big buyer who will then look to monetize it.

    I use Google, though, and that is pretty much what they did. They have and use data on my search habits and browsing to advertise junk to me that they think I will like. If that gets too annoying, I'll look for another service to use instead but ultimately I will expect the same sort of deal unless I'm paying for it not to do that.

  4. #24
    Phystus's Avatar
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    It seems to me music and other audio assets would fall into the "any other materials" bucket, and would therefore be subject to the TOS. There certainly isn't any exception noted for audio.


  5. #25
    I am happy that there is an IRC platform for Fantasy Grounds users, but if I can't figure out how to turn off those annoying post bleeps (they're driving me bonkers), I'm going to have to shut it down...

    I can find nothing that affects those. The 'User Settings' is pretty pointless, as it only allows one to change ones password.

    Does anyone know how to turn off the audio bleep on the post notifications?


    - s.west


    Never mind. I found it. It's tied to the individual channel... so, on the Fantasy Grounds channel, at the top, click on the pull-down, and you'll get a window that lets you change notification settings.


    - s.west
    Last edited by swest; March 6th, 2017 at 18:51.

  6. #26
    Hey folks! My group is beginning to ask about Discord. We currently use Teamspeak. Other than it being free, what other advantages to Discord am I missing? Thanks!

  7. #27
    I have recently made the switch to Discord. It seems a little more user friendly overall. Sound quality SEEMS better, but that could just be my imagination. I use sound FX and music in my games, so setting that up in discord took a bit more work upfront than it did on TeamSpeak, but in the end I like it better. It is easy to invite people and get connected. If you are using the Fantasy Grounds TeamSpeak server, there's always the chance it could go away in the future (purely hypothetical, please don't read into that)...

    It just seems like a cleaner, more stable set up overall.

    That's my 2 cents...

  8. #28

    Join Date
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    Isanti, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by wthrasherb View Post
    If you are using the Fantasy Grounds TeamSpeak server, there's always the chance it could go away in the future
    And if you're using the Discord server, there's always the chance it could go away in the future...

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Thanks! I paid for space on Teamspeak, so that is locked in. I told my group I was considering the other, but it looks like I'll stick with TS for now. Your comments were helpful. Cheers!

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