Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #11

  2. #12
    Thank you damned! Helps alot!


  3. #13
    Can multiple registerResultHandlers be set up in different scripts for the same roll?
    I want to count consecutive saving throws in Pathfinder and it would be great to take advantage of the saving throw script that already exists.

    I tried adding
    ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("save", onRoll);
    to onInit but the onRoll function I set up to debug with didn't trigger.

  4. #14
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Can multiple registerResultHandlers be set up in different scripts for the same roll?
    I want to count consecutive saving throws in Pathfinder and it would be great to take advantage of the saving throw script that already exists.

    I tried adding
    ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("save", onRoll);
    to onInit but the onRoll function I set up to debug with didn't trigger.
    I could be wrong but I think the answer is No.

  5. #15
    I'm having a hard time triggering onRoll for some reason.
    rRoll is
    { s'aDice' = { #1 = s'd20' }, s'nMod' = #1, s'tags' = s'diseasetracker', s'sType' = s'disease', s'nTarget' = #20, s'sDesc' = s'[DISEASE] Fortitude' }
    I never see the debug message on line 214 but the handler to call it seems to be set up just like the example.
    Last edited by bmos; August 9th, 2020 at 12:20.

  6. #16
    damned's Avatar
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    Just something you might try

    Ln8: ActionsManager.registerResultHandler('diseasesave' , onDiseaseSave)
    Ln213: function onDiseaseSave(rSource, rTarget, rRoll)

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Just something you might try

    Ln8: ActionsManager.registerResultHandler('diseasesave' , onDiseaseSave)
    Ln213: function onDiseaseSave(rSource, rTarget, rRoll)
    Alas, no change. Thanks for the suggestion 'though!

    EDIT: I'm not really sure what fixed it but it is working now.
    Last edited by bmos; August 9th, 2020 at 20:26.

  8. #18
    Thanks for putting so much effort into this! How would I make the die rolled an exploding die?
    Last edited by Quorlox; August 9th, 2020 at 15:49.

  9. #19
    Thank you for making this guide.
    I've used your example action and been able to implement it in a template, so that doubleclicking a frame makes it roll.
    But if I would like to have the value in the frame as a modifier, how would I go about that?
    I am trying to dig through and dissect the 3.5 lua files, but I am getting completly lost in the codes.
    Is there an easy way of getting the value localy, or would I need to create strings and several functions in a lua file to make it function?

    Thanks in advance.

  10. #20
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    I had modified an existing MoreCore attack routine successfully, however - I am not sure how to get a DRAG to target on CT, for example, to work. So I guess I didn't REALLY get it correct

    (An example case is you forgot to target someone and rolled, this lets you drop it on the token or CT entry you wish to check a hit against.

    When I printout rRoll, I see some clues why it would not work but what am I supposed to do to support this?

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