5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by RPM View Post
    Am I correct in believing that I could buy one of these mods and with my current subscription(full), I'd be capable of running it for others?

    I have the PHB so they could make characters too, but I don't need anything else to run, right? Monsters and everything's already in there, yea?
    That is correct. I build the mods out using the SRD info so everything you will need to run the mod is included.
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Discord Server - https://discord.gg/7RMAXfgSqd
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Stream - http://twitch.tv/fshschmo
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Podcast is available on
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  2. #12
    I am pleased to announce that you can now find the following adventures now on the DM's Guild with Fantasy Grounds modules -

    DDEX1-9 - Outlaws of the Iron Route by Will Doyle
    DDEX2-4 - Mayhem in the Earth Spur Mines by Will Doyle
    DDEX2-10 - Cloaks and Shadows by Will Doyle
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Discord Server - https://discord.gg/7RMAXfgSqd
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Stream - http://twitch.tv/fshschmo
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Podcast is available on
    Amazon Music/Audible, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podbean, & Spotify.

  3. #13
    I am pleased to announce that you can now find the following adventures now on the DM's Guild with Fantasy Grounds modules -

    DDEX1-6 - The Scroll Thief by Dan Helmick
    DDEX2-2 - Embers of Elmwood by Dan Helmick
    DDEX2-14 - The Sword of Selfaril by Dan Helmick
    DDAL4-13 - The Horseman by Dan Helmick
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Discord Server - https://discord.gg/7RMAXfgSqd
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Stream - http://twitch.tv/fshschmo
    FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop Podcast is available on
    Amazon Music/Audible, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podbean, & Spotify.

  4. #14
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Dec 2015
    New York
    Let us know when/if any season is completed please

  5. #15
    If you own the PDF already or the Season Bundles, when the FG mod gets added, it will show as an update to the download. So you don't have to wait to buy anything, just keep an eye on your notifications that there is an update.
    Bryan Britt, a.k.a. Brynnan the High

    Adventurers League Online, Local Coordinator for Fantasy Grounds
    Adventurers League Online, Quest of the Week DM Team

    Ultimate License Holder, any license can play

  6. #16
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Dec 2015
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Brynnan View Post
    If you own the PDF already or the Season Bundles, when the FG mod gets added, it will show as an update to the download. So you don't have to wait to buy anything, just keep an eye on your notifications that there is an update.
    ya, I read that and it's good, but there is no point if I'm trying to run them in FG. if season 1 is out before I start running it or at least first 3-4, sure.

  7. #17
    I respectfully suggest that the OP edits the OP to include the complete list.

  8. #18
    Or just link straight to the list: FG Mods on DMsGuild
    Bryan Britt, a.k.a. Brynnan the High

    Adventurers League Online, Local Coordinator for Fantasy Grounds
    Adventurers League Online, Quest of the Week DM Team

    Ultimate License Holder, any license can play

  9. #19
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    What does it take to get the official FG conversions done for all the past AL modules? I just did season one episode one in an evening and that was just basically cutting and pasting and no par5e or anything.

  10. #20
    The problem has always been a legal one, and never a programming/effort one.

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