5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    ok ill have something ready for you.

  2. #12
    I would definitely be interested. I can't play Fri - Sat, but I can be available any other night. I'll write something up, and send it off to you soon.


  3. #13

    Interested in playing

    I do not know the Eberron world at all, and I am new to FG, but I would be interested in playing in your campaign. My only problem is that I can't play fri-Sun (Well Sunday night perhaps after).

    Anyway if you still have room I would love to join.


  4. #14

    Character submission

    Hey how do you want me to submit my character stats/story. I made up a char sheet in fantasy grounds but for pre-game do you want an e-mail or a forum post or something else? Let me know i got everything set up. Thanks!

  5. #15
    i would also like to play i have very little experience

    would you be willing to accept me?

  6. #16

    i think we lost grimbot...

    We still need to know how you want us to submit our characters for approval.

  7. #17
    Try emailing him
    Looking to Play? Yes
    Looking to DM? Still trying to learn this XML business...
    Best days of week to play: Any but in the evenings
    Best times to play : 5PM EST or later to start

  8. #18
    I cant find his e-mail addy anywhere its not in the posts or his profile, do you have it?

  9. #19
    just give it some time, prob wont start gaming for a few weeks anyways.

  10. #20
    yeah im not real worried about it i just got ready to send my char in and i realized i had no where to send it to.

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