Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    I put this together a little while ago, but through an oversight, it was getting installed into the Data directory. It is only going out to new installs as well. To manually install it, you can download the link here:

    Unzip that into a new folder under your campaigns folder. This should then give you a new option when you go to Load Campaign.
    I opened up my FG folder and do not see a campaign folder. Is this something that I need to create within the FG folder on my laptop?

    Not sure how to upload modules onto FGC.

  2. #42
    Is this the sample campaign that comes with my ultimate license for FGC?

  3. #43

  4. #44
    Is it just me, or 5E Sample campaign's folder and its subfolders are all empty in FGU (compared to FGC that has stuff in it)?
    I've therefore download the .zip from this tread only to realize that it's last update is from 2016-01-15, which means that it didn't got made with FGU in mind, like no Line of Sight included, right? Is there other things that aren't there (that new GM shall know about)?

  5. #45
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eriwan View Post
    Is it just me, or 5E Sample campaign's folder and its subfolders are all empty in FGU (compared to FGC that has stuff in it)?
    I've therefore download the .zip from this tread only to realize that it's last update is from 2016-01-15, which means that it didn't got made with FGU in mind, like no Line of Sight included, right? Is there other things that aren't there (that new GM shall know about)?
    I believe there is currently an issue with the sample campaign in FGU. My understanding is you can copy the most recent version from FGC to FGU.

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