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  1. #11
    I'm a bit of an outlier in that I run FG on a Mac inside of a Wineskin wrapper. I tried putting this tool inside of a custom wrapper and importing a character sheet. I got only as far as the initial form being loaded. Pressing the button to select a file brought up a blank file explorer dialog. It is highly possible that this is my issue in that I'm new to Wineskin and may not have configured the wrapper appropriately.

    If anyone has figured out how to run this within a Wineskin wrapper, please pass along some hints on setup.


  2. #12
    damned's Avatar
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    without being a mac expert i believe the issue is probably that each wineskin has its own local data locations. you should be able to copy the xml content from the FG wineskin to the new wineskin and see if that works...

  3. #13
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thegroo View Post
    I'm using the 5e sheet.
    Don't know about the white fill, i think it needs a bigger font size.

    Ahhh, in that case, the skills are part of the actual background image. It probably would have been simpler to simply blank that portion of the sheet out and then loop through the skills and re-write their bonuses and skill name as opposed to manually placing each skill's bonus next to the printed entry on the original sheet.

  4. #14
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadCar_1 View Post
    I'm a bit of an outlier in that I run FG on a Mac inside of a Wineskin wrapper. I tried putting this tool inside of a custom wrapper and importing a character sheet. I got only as far as the initial form being loaded. Pressing the button to select a file brought up a blank file explorer dialog. It is highly possible that this is my issue in that I'm new to Wineskin and may not have configured the wrapper appropriately.

    If anyone has figured out how to run this within a Wineskin wrapper, please pass along some hints on setup.

    MadCar_1, I'm away from my dev machine for a bit with the holidays but since I built this in Unity, I can just compile a version for Mac and Linux and link to that as well. That way you can run a native app. It will be a few days before I can get to it.

  5. #15

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    I have added the skill-/save-proficiencies checkboxes and 'dis' after Stealth (if checked in defences) in the 5e xsl

    Is it ok to upload the modified XSL (or send to you)?

  6. #16
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thegroo View Post
    I have added the skill-/save-proficiencies checkboxes and 'dis' after Stealth (if checked in defences) in the 5e xsl

    Is it ok to upload the modified XSL (or send to you)?

    Feel free to upload any modifications or even brand new sheets as well. I expect that over time people may start submitting their own and we will have a large collection that can be included with the rulesets on the wiki.

  7. #17

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    Here the link for my 5e_version
    Last edited by Thegroo; October 12th, 2017 at 19:30. Reason: link fixed

  8. #18
    Thanks for getting this started.

    Most of the sample character sheets I've seen for 5E put the ability score in the small box and the modifier in the large since that is of primary use during the game.

    Ran the app on Windows 10 with Chrome and it works. Need to fine tune the font sizes.

    Used the XLS sheet under Linux with xalan and the result was not good. A lot of the sheet data was shifted off to the right side of the sheet.

  9. #19
    Running app under Linux/Wine, the pop-up box to select a file has no labels and the directory/folder names are missing. Probably doesn't matter if a Linux build is coming.

    Running on laptop with integrated Intel graphics chip and 1366x768 native resolution. Under Windows 10 the startup config screen only shows 640x480 as resolution option. Under Linux/Wine the only resolution option is 1366x768.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by cas206 View Post
    Used the XLS sheet under Linux with xalan and the result was not good. A lot of the sheet data was shifted off to the right side of the sheet.
    Got it to work by adding the -html option which I thought it would pick based upon other inputs.

    xalan -html -in Belwar.xml -xsl CharacterSheet_DND5E.xsl -out Belwar.html

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