5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    LFG 1 Player Saturday and Sunday CET prefer Pathfinder

    Hey Folks!
    This is my first post on these forums, because I am also new to FG. I recently moved to a new city jobwise, which I am very happy with. Unfortunately my new hometown is relatively small and the pen & paper scene is non-existent. But since I don’t want to give up the best hobby in the world I thought of finding a group online and here I am. (:

    I have played some online session via Hangouts before, but only with people I also knew outside of the digital world. But I have watched online Sessions on YouTube and some Tutorial Videos concerning FG, so I am not a total greenhorn and I like to think of myself as a quick learner. As for my overall RPG Experience, I have played it since I was 16 (I am now 25). I started with Earthdawn, Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu and then made a great Tour through stuff like Fate, NWoD, Pathfinder and several smaller systems.

    As stated in the Title my Time Zone is Central Europe Time. It is of course easier for a group to get together from the same time zone, but other than practical necessities I have to follow (Work, Sleep, etc.) I have no problem playing with people from all over the world. I am looking for a group playing a long campaign (Like a Pathfinder Adventure Path) weekly or bi-weekly. My working hours are unfortunately not regular. So a group with some overall flexibility is appreciated, but not necessary. It just depends on the particular case. I can voice chat and can download any software which is needed. For the time being I have no FG License, but if it looks like I could join or found a group here I will immediately buy a full license. I also have experience as a GM, but since I am new to FG I would like to get to know the software as a player first. But when I feel comfortable enough, I am happy to do some gamemastering on my own.

    So much for the technical details. As for my preferred playstyle I will just shortly summarize the things I like and the things I don’t want in a roleplaying group.

    What I like: Dramatic Roleplaying, a GM who answers a players question if he or she can do something with “Yes you can, but…”, a GM who has read at last one book about how to be a good GM, a GM who is a fan of her players, Atmospheric descriptions, round (player) characters (i. e. Characters who have internal or external opposites), a GM who modifies his campaign according to the characters (and not the other way around), a game in which the actions of the Characters have a significant influence (good and/or bad) on the world, the course of the campaign and on the characters themselves, GM’s who can improvise, a good story told together

    What I don’t want in a group: Flat Characters (i.e. Characters who have no internal opposites and therefore do not change), clichés (For example: The beer-drinking, axe-swinging dwarf fighter who fears nothing or the cyber-zombie troll who kills everything in his wake or the big breasted elven assassin), Railroading, GM’s who think the game is about telling their story or teaching the players/characters their views of life, Players who take joy in controlling other players/characters, Power Gaming, Players or GM’s who think they have a better idea on how to change the rules of an elaborated system and thereby discussing this rules in length, Players or GM’s who think roleplaying is about “winning” (or loot or Xp), Sexism

    So, if u can sympathize with the things I wrote I am your guy.
    Preferably I would like to play Pathfinder, but this is only because I have a character concept I really love and would like to play (It’s from a 3rd Party Product, but it’s balanced. I’ve tried it). That said, I am also open to other Worlds and Systems.

    I hope to hear from you guys!
    Last edited by Apollon; September 17th, 2015 at 21:38.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Blog Entries
    Welcome Apollon. Sign up for a session of something - anything - at Gamer Geekend and get a feel for Fantasy Grounds and meet some new people while you are at it. Also GM Draeus has some one shots although the next couple are full: https://www.gmdraeus.co.uk/

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5E Product Walkthrough Playlist

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