5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Stale many links are dead ... should this still be stickied?

  2. #12
    Waldbaer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Germany CET time zone [GMT+1/Summer GMT+2]
    Edit: posted in wrong thread

  3. #13
    I want to use Fantasy Grounds for Adventurers League. I don't know much about Adventurers League, but I have been DMing a game out of a store. It almost sounds like it's more trouble then it's worth to do Adventurers League. But I have found the normal campaigns to long and hard to keep up with when people keep changing. I want to use Fantasy grounds but not online. I am making a big TV table for us to play on. I also only see 2 Adventurers League campaigns for sale? So do I have to build the game from scratch?

  4. #14
    The AL modules are designed to be played in a 4 hour (or less) time slot.

    For a live action game, you could use the PDF for all the story telling and RPG elements and use FG for all of the combats. Setting up encounters (even on the fly) is pretty quick and painless. It would take minimal prep to make the encounters and prep (scan) the maps. The last Rob Twohy and Fantasy Grounds College weekly "All Things Fantasy Grounds" discussed module making in FG - in it they dropped a lot of links for module building aids.

    Well worth a watch - All Things Fantasy Grounds Talk Show Episode 19 - Module Making

    Hope this helps.

  5. #15
    Guys, advise good blogs or video tutorials on D&D, I have already studied the manual, but rn there is a mess in my head, I want to somehow sort it all out.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Sydney, Australia
    There are dozens of videos, it all depends on what you need help with. Check out the link below for a list of links to videos.


    You may also want to look at www.fantasygroundscollege.net they have articles with advice and also run online training events.

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