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  1. #1

    AL FAQ and Common Questions

    Quick Answers

    Question: As a DM, how can I obtain the adventures to run online?
    Answer: To get the Expeditions to run online, you must live-stream your online game using any free-to-watch streaming service, such as Google Hangouts On Air or, you can get the D&D Expeditions adventures to showcase in your game. You can do this in one of two ways: 1) Contact a store to be your sponsor; it can get you certs and the adventures. 2) Contact Wizards Customer Support and tell them you want to stream D&D Expeditions. They will give you access to the adventures, but not any magic item certificates. In the email make sure you give them the link for your streaming page. You must have a Wizards login and be logged in to fill out the form. You can find additional general information at

    Question: How do I play in an Adventurer League game in Fantasy Grounds?
    Answer: Read the AL Player Guide, Create a PC, Sign up for a game, Send your DM your character....and game on!

    Adventurers League in Fantasy Grounds Bootcamp

    I. What Does a Player Need?

    1. Must have a Legal Character

    2. Must have an Adventurers Log sheet (Many examples)

    3. DCI Number is optional for online players (Wizards Play Network).

    • Provided at Store Play
    • Some online DMS can provide cards (pm Talen)
    • Required to trade magic items

    4. Magic Item Certificates

    • Not required. However, needed if you intend to trade acquired magic items

    II. Essential Fantasy Grounds Information

    5. What Version of FG do I need as a player – Do I have to pay?

    6. Helpful for players to review instructional videos at

    III. Miscellaneous Adventurers League Rules

    7. No Attribute or hit point rolling for characters: Must be standard set or point buy described in the AL Players Guide for attributes and fixed hit point value in class entry.

    8. You must select a story origin (currently either “Elemental Evil” or “Tyranny of Dragons”. This is important as you only use campaign specific character options if you have that season’s story origin. For example, you may only play a Genasi if you have selected the Elemental Evil story origin.

    9. Use starting equipment bases on class and background. You cannot roll for starting wealth (ALPG p4).

    10. You are not required to select a faction, but factions provide benefits -for example, free resurrection up to level 4.

    11. What are downtime days used for (See ALPG p5 for a complete list)?

    • Spellcasting services (Cost of services provided on ALPG p.12)
    • Non-magical Crafting
    • Practicing a Profession (maintain a lifestyle)
    • Recuperating
    • Training (learn a new language/set of tools)
    • Catching Up (automatically advance a level at 4th and 10th level)
    • There are Faction specific Downtime Activities (See Elemental Evil Downtime activities on ALPG p.9)

    12. Don’t forget to record lifestyle expenses.

    • Whenever you engage in a downtime activity, you must pay lifestyle expenses as described in chapter 5 of the free Basic Rules or the Players Handbook.

    13. Read the Rules on Buying and Selling Items (ALPG p6)

    • Buy or sell mundane items (gems, trade goods, etc.) at 100%
    • Arms, armor, other equipment sell for 50% cost
    • Arms and armor from monsters is worthless (can be used during the adventure before rendered useless.
    • Magic Items cannot be sold and not available for purchase except for potions of healing.

    14. Magic Items (ALPG p 6):

    • Permanent Magic Items: If no agreement from group, PC with lowest number of permanent magic items can select, If tie, Roll d20, highest wins. You do not have to select an item. Items not selected are “left on the table” and may not be sold.
    • Consumable Magic Items: If no agreement from group, Roll d20, highest wins.
    • Certificates are required to trade magic items. Certificates may be available in an online game, but are usually not.
    • Players cannot generally craft magic items except for potions of healing (ALPG p 21)

    15. Rules for Disease, Death and Recovery on ALPG p.12

    IV. Useful Resources

    16. Basic Rules available for free:
    17. Fantasy Ground Adventurers League Forums:
    18. Adventurers League Official Online Play Facebook Group:
    19. WOTC Organized Play D&D Adventurers League Site:
    20. D&D Adventurers League Wiki:
    21. D&D Adventurers League Organizers Page:

    V. Where Can I find Games?

    22. Check the Official Adventurers League Online Play Tools at for regularly scheduled games and Expedition of the Week. Tutorial for Tools use at

    23. Check the Fantasy Grounds Forum Game Announcements at and Fantasy Grounds Game Calendar at

    VI. How Can I DM?

    24. To gain access to the Expeditions to run online, you must live-stream your online game using any free-to-watch streaming service, such as Google Hangouts On Air or, you can get the D&D Expeditions adventures to showcase in your game. You can do this in one of two ways: 1) Contact a store to be your sponsor; it can get you certs and the adventures. 2) Contact Wizards Customer Support and tell them you want to stream D&D Expeditions. They will give you access to the adventures, but not any magic item certificates. In the email make sure you give them the link for your streaming page. You must have a Wizards login and be logged in to fill out the form. You can find additional general information at

  2. #2
    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    Most of the links in this post are dead. Don't know how much this is kept up but couldn't get many of them to work.

    FG Con 13 – Fantasy Grounds Online RPG Convention - October 12-14 2018
    Register at for all the latest info.
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  3. #3
    I will be updating this sticky later this weekend. There are some significant changes.


  4. #4
    [QUOTE=Talen;220238][SIZE=4]Quick Answers

    6. Helpful for players to review instructional videos at

    The link for explaining how to export a character is a dead link. Is there a way for a player to export a character from an Adventure league game from a GM's server at the games end? Point being that I should be able to take that character to another game. whether it be another online AL game by a different GM or a live game at a store.

    I don't want the ability to delete characters, just to export them or save them to my local character vault.

    If there is not a way to do this. Can this functionality be added to the FG program?

    Thank you in advance.

    This is a signature testing 1. 2. 3.

  5. #5
    Raz, I've been absent for awhile but will update my original post when the con is over. You can export your character.
    You can get it from your own computer using Manage Characters - select the campaign entry you played in and when it loads up you can export the XML from the character selection screen.
    Last edited by Talen; October 15th, 2016 at 13:04.

  6. #6
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    A lot of the links are bad - they've been copied directly from a FG forum webpage - where FG shortens the display of long URLs by putting ... in the middle and making the URL invalid. The underlying URL code is not shortened, just the display, but if you copy directly from the web page the text you copy will be shortened (not valid) URL. So you'll need to copy the underlying code if you can (edit the post if it's one of your to get directly to the full URL) or find the correct full URL and replace within the code.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  7. #7
    Never knew that...thanks again Trenloe!

  8. #8
    Ok, i understand that you can export from the managed characters list. What I want to do is export my character in the client connected to the DM's FG. There are no export (download) arrows next to my character.

    There is an option to import a character, but not to export from my connected players client so I can take it with me to another FG or to transfer it (or convert it) to a regular character sheet.

    If this is possible I can not find out how. If not, can it be added.

    I hope this explains what I am looking to do better.

    Thank you.
    This is a signature testing 1. 2. 3.

  9. #9
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz651 View Post
    Ok, i understand that you can export from the managed characters list. What I want to do is export my character in the client connected to the DM's FG. There are no export (download) arrows next to my character.

    There is an option to import a character, but not to export from my connected players client so I can take it with me to another FG or to transfer it (or convert it) to a regular character sheet.
    You can't export during a game (when you're connected to a GM). But you can export after - this is what Talen is saying in post #5. In the Manage Characters screen you will see a list of the campaigns you've connected to on that computer (the bottom half of the window is the campaigns list) - select the name of the campaign and it will load the character data that is stored from when you last exited the campaign. Note: this is read only, you need to export from the campaign and import into the generic ruleset Manage Characters (or another campaign) if you wish to make changes.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  10. #10
    Ok that makes sense. Have to try that next time I play.
    This is a signature testing 1. 2. 3.

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