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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by ryway09 View Post
    I am sorry to ask, because I feel it should be very obvious. But can I use this module to run a SR5E session? If not, what might be some suggestions on doing so.

    Hi Ryway09,

    I've got 5E but not read enough into it as I'm keeping with my 4E 20th for the moment due to finding this excellent ruleset. My advice is to download it, create a test campaign, then run one window as GM and another as a test player and create a character. You'll see that you can put skills upto 12 but the resulting success rolls are not limited to Physical/Social etc. So you'll have to keep an eye on them.

    You should also note that combat passes work different. If someone with Wired Reflexes got 3 passes they would get all 3, in 5E as far as I can remember, you take 10 of the rolled initiative as each pass is taken.

    You could also find the some spells are different and so on, so I'd say play with it, see how well it copes with what you need and make a decision. As soon as I've learned how to make rulesets I think I'll give 5E a go.

    Last edited by MadBeardMan; July 27th, 2015 at 22:27.

  2. #22
    Hi Ian (sorry me again)

    Got the gun's all working within NPC sheets, cheers for that. It's all working nicely now.
    Updated the passes info on the NPC sheets and made sure the test characters had those set and the Combat Tracker is all working.

    Thanks for the tip with the Cyberware, as there's a checkbox (albeit a very tiny one) it's easy enough for them to change when things are turned on, ie smartgun link on a gun.

    So I'm now super impressed, you've done a great job.


  3. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryway09 View Post
    I am sorry to ask, because I feel it should be very obvious. But can I use this module to run a SR5E session? If not, what might be some suggestions on doing so.

    There's no such thing as a stupid question :-)
    While possible, it would not be perfect. There are a number of differences for 5e and I will be doing an updated ruleset to support them the main things are:
    - Limits - all tests have a limit to the number of successes, all weapons need an accuracy rating for their limit
    - Initiative - there are no init passes, instead there's a stat plus a number of dice to give a value which decrements by 10 each time you act and a new pass starts for those with remaining initiative.
    - Armor - there is only one type of armor instead of the ballistic and impact in 4e.

    They are not huge changes but make it a bit more difficult to use.

    The other big change will be the library as the stats have changed for weapons and armor.

    If you give it a go, let me know how you get on and if there are other things that I have missed.

  4. #24

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    New update to fix the problem with physical spell damage being applied as stun.
    Download updated in the first post.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by ianmward View Post
    New update to fix the problem with physical spell damage being applied as stun.
    Download updated in the first post.
    Excellent work. I shall give it a blast later (pun intended)

    I think that's pretty much everything I need for my game bar running a proper session, but that day approaches during the summer holidays we have here in Blighty. I'd send you a beer if you were even remotely local Ian, instead I'll ask a friend in Sydney to send one over

  6. #26

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    I'm running another intro mission for FGDaze this coming Saturday. There are still a couple of places available, so sign up and see this thing run!

  7. #27
    I posted to the official Shadowrun forums, so you might get some nibbles tonight.

  8. #28
    Hi Chaps,

    Here's the Token pack I've been working on. I've got 7 characters and 2 drones done, plus many colour variations of each. Note that in the samples they're shown larger than they are, but in the final packs they're all supplied in 128x128 pixel (which you'll see with the Ork sample).

    Attachment 10732

    A - Male Elf Mage
    B - Male Half Orc Gun Adept
    C - Male Human Street Samurai
    D - Male Human Rigger
    E - Female Dwarf Hacker
    F - Female Elf Mage
    G - Male Dwarf Street Shaman
    H - MCT Fly-Spy. (shown about twice the size it would be)
    I - MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone.

    Here's an example of colour variations.

    Attachment 10733

    Forgive the spelling of Half Ork, was a very late night as I'm working on some Cthulhu stuff as well.

    I've emailed Doug at FG asking how I can submit these.

    I'm working on a second pack, another 7 characters (thinking Troll for a start), and some spirits (Bear and Large Eagle), but if you're looking for anything specific let me know.

    So let me know what you think, a lot of time has gone into these and they're perfect for my own game but due to the lack of Tokens for SR out there, I thought I'd invest in getting some done.


  9. #29
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    Wow, those are really good!
    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
    Find me on G+ to get in on one-shots, check out my YouTube and Twitch channel and follow me on Twitter @Mask_of_Winter

  10. #30

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    Really Cool! I can't wait to see more.

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