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  1. #101
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    For some reason "’" keeps being inserted into my code where I put an apostrophe? Can the code not display an apostrophe as is?
    Don't use a curved apostrophe, use the straight apostrophe - ASCII code 39:

    Keep in mind that FG doesn't use Unicode characters, it uses a subset of 8-bit ASCII. If you're manually creating XML make sure that you set the encoding in your text editor to ANSI not UTF-8.
    Last edited by Trenloe; January 4th, 2018 at 01:19.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #102
    The "<order type="number">01</order>" code I have been trying to use doesn't seem to work for me. I assume it so that you can specify a specific order they appear in.
    This is what it currently looks like
    I am trying to rearrange what order they appear in the list and thought it was pretty self explanatory, only it doesn't seem to work.
    My code for it looks like this:
    <link type="windowreference">
    <recordname>library.items.entries.armour.entries.p added@Genesys (Pathfinder) Player Library</recordname>
    <name type="string">Padded</name>
    <value type="string">50</value>
    <rarity type="string">2</rarity>
    <encumbrance type="number">2</encumbrance>
    <hardpoints type="number">1</hardpoints>
    <defence type="number">1</defence>
    <soak type="number">0</soak>
    <order type="number">01</order>

    <link type="windowreference">
    <recordname>library.items.entries.armour.entries.l eather@Genesys (Pathfinder) Player Library</recordname>
    <name type="string">Leather</name>
    <value type="string">50</value>
    <rarity type="string">2</rarity>
    <encumbrance type="number">2</encumbrance>
    <hardpoints type="number">1</hardpoints>
    <defence type="number">0</defence>
    <soak type="number">1</soak>
    <order type="number">02</order>

  3. #103
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    The "<order type="number">01</order>" code I have been trying to use doesn't seem to work for me. I assume it so that you can specify a specific order they appear in.
    This is what it currently looks like
    I am trying to rearrange what order they appear in the list and thought it was pretty self explanatory, only it doesn't seem to work.
    My code for it looks like this:
    There is no <order> field in the armor listing in the example library module in post #1.

    <order> wasn't implemented for Armor in the Star Wars ruleset - basically because the armor table in the Edge of the Empire rulebook was in alphabetical order, so there was no need to override the base FG alphabetical ordering.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #104
    Been trying to add in info for my groups use... and somewhere I messed up badly...

    Database Error: A XML parse error occurred processing file Star Wars Player Library:db.xml - Error on line 3910: Error reading end tag.
    Runtime Notice: s'chatmanager.lua: sendSpecialMessage - msgtype = refreshactorlist'
    Ruleset Warning: chat: Could not find icon ()
    Runtime Notice: s'chatmanager.lua: sendSpecialMessage - msgtype = refreshdestinychits'
    Runtime Notice: s'chit.lua: handleRefreshdestinyChits() window.getClass() = lightsidechit'
    Runtime Notice: s'chatmanager.lua: sendSpecialMessage - msgtype = refreshdestinychits'
    Runtime Notice: s'chit.lua: handleRefreshdestinyChits() window.getClass() = lightsidechit'
    Runtime Notice: s'chit.lua: handleRefreshdestinyChits() window.getClass() = darksidechit'
    Ruleset Warning: chat: Could not find icon (tool_layers_30)

    Anyone got any idea what I did wrong? And yes, Im a happy noob who really dont know what Im doing...

  5. #105
    damned's Avatar
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    Welcome Akumashe

    Start by checking xml tags on lines 3909-3911 in db.xml
    Then use an XML checker to make sure all the tags are good.

  6. #106
    Got back to the original, copied my changes over a chunk at a time and test ran it, til the error came back, then started over at a smaller chunk of that part, rince repeat... found the fault to be -somewhere- in my attempt to put in a training lightsaber... threw that out for now and the rest works. Which is much preferably to nothing atall working
    So, now I know where the error is, next step is to try and understand what I did wrong there but the main headache is past.

    Thanks for the tip damned, though I solved it a slightly different way

  7. #107

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    If you post the offending xml, I am sure one of us can tell you the problem.

  8. #108
    Afraid it seems I removed the offending part, instead of copying it into the new part (ops), so for this time its gona (which is double bad cause now I cant learn from it atall), if I run into new problems, I will be sure to keep copies so I can ask more properly (and hopefully then learn so I dont have to ask again).

  9. #109
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Your best bet is to learn the basics of XML tags (opening, closing, etc.) and to run your XML through a XML syntax validator, or use a text editor that has XML syntax validation build in. For example, Notepad++ with the XML plugin.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  10. #110
    Ok, coming over from Savage Worlds where its fairly simple to create your own library modules. Is there a way to do that with Star Wars without being a programmer?
    Cross-examining Lawyer: Mister Cogburn, in your four years as US Marshal, how many men have you shot?
    Rooster Cogburn: Shot? Or killed?
    Cross-examining Lawyer: Let us restrict it to killed so we may have a manageable figure!

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