5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #21
    I appreciate that, and didn't know about the status for 15 games. That said, PFS has baggage attached that may turn people off. I can say for myself, I would have loved to sign up for more events, but have no desire at all to play in PFS games, don't remember enough about 3.5 to try and run a 10th level character, and wasn't really interested in anything else as far as the actual games. Not trying to sound like someone showing up to a basket ball court and whinning no one wants to play football, just trying to give feedback. Depending on how things go I'd likely be interested in running a PF event next year, so if that's a possibility then great, but just the fact that all the available games were society made me wonder if regular PF games were even an option.

  2. #22
    damned's Avatar
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    Absolutely no issues with someone running a Pathfinder session or 6 at the next FG Con. We are aiming to run 2 a year (but its a lot of work for all involved - GMs and organisers) so you may get an opportunity sooner. D&D 4 and some sort of Cthulhu are other rulesets we are missing - but we can only run sessions that a GM is wants to run. We dont specify too many things other than Fantasy Grounds (of course) and Teamspeak (to keep it consistent for all events). The PFS guys did get organised and worked to put all the events in no overlapping sessions but thats it.

  3. #23
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    We've had non PFS Pathfinder games previously... nobody stepped up to run one this time so it didn't happen. There a lot more steam behind the organization for the PFS... so they tend to happen... but there are a bunch of Savage Worlds games and other rulesets running at the Con as well this go around... more than previously from what I can tell. It looks like it's going to be a great time!
    Full License Operator - You must have a 'Lite' License to play in my games.
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  4. #24
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FraustTheSnowman View Post
    That said, PFS has baggage attached that may turn people off. I can say for myself, I would have loved to sign up for more events, but have no desire at all to play in PFS games, don't remember enough about 3.5 to try and run a 10th level character, and wasn't really interested in anything else as far as the actual games. Not trying to sound like someone showing up to a basket ball court and whinning no one wants to play football, just trying to give feedback. Depending on how things go I'd likely be interested in running a PF event next year, so if that's a possibility then great, but just the fact that all the available games were society made me wonder if regular PF games were even an option.
    I think you've said it pretty well Blackfoot. PFS works well for conventions and we organised a group so that we could get Paizo support. There is nothing stopping any GMs from running non PFS Pathfinder games, but PFS games suit a convention very well. Play one (or more) PFS games, if you're not interested in the organised play aspect (the "baggage") then just let the GM know and play a pregen - so it'll just be like playing any Pathfinder convention game which has pregens provided. Let them know you don't want the chronicle at the end of the game - we will assign you a PFS number so that we can report the game to get credit for it, but you don't have to do anything with that number. Because we have Paizo support all GMs and players enter a prize draw after the convention - who knows, you might win a Paizo PDF!

    As damned says, we completely rely on volunteer GMs to run the games they want to run so we can't guarantee that any specific games will be ran in any convention. If you have no desire to play PFS games and aren't interested in the other games on offer then I'm afraid you're going to miss out this time around and will just have to wait until next time and hope that there are some games more to your liking - but no guarantees.

    But, if you're willing to run one or more non PFS Pathfinder sessions at the next convention that would be fantastic! Damned - put him on the list!
    Last edited by Trenloe; May 7th, 2014 at 05:49.
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  5. #25
    damned's Avatar
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    Frausty is going to join my GM session at FG Con - hopefully it will be a useful session.

  6. #26
    Well first game out of the way. Though it was a total organisational mess at the start (that's usually how I roll lol) we soon got into it. Then we just started having fun. Using Create Food and Water to fill an enemies ****pit with jello and cheese, genius. Taking out a zeppelin, making very efficient use of teleport circle, all good fun. Thanks all for attending. Looking forward to tomorrow.
    ..... now where is my hat?

  7. #27
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Fizban, was nice to chat to you about your game and how it was progressing, how did it end up panning out, did the party win or lose the war?

  8. #28
    The party won. They were down two characters, and only had a combined total of 34 hp left, but they managed to pull it out of the bag.

    The last stand battle seemed pretty easy for the first 15 turns, but when the cleric began to run low on healing it suddenly became harder. They had to face down waves that totalled 500 CR3 soldiers with firearms (equivalent to the STG44), 2 Flamer Mechs (Iron Golems), 2 Gun Mechs (Iron Golems with Gatling Guns +10 ranged 2d10+10), and 3 officers (level 10 clerics). There were supposed to be more Mechs in the fight but the party took out their transport (a huge zeppelin) in the first session.

    The players came up with some really good ideas for holding the line. Placing a Wall of Fire (15ft ring) inside a Darkness spell at each of the choke points was classic. Using Create Food and Water inside the Mech's ****pits was fantastic. The players did really well. I honestly had every expectation they would die, and The Ecclesiarchy they were fighting would become the main source of villains for the next campaign.

    It's a shame my Firefly game never took off, but great fun was had with this one. Thanks all for showing up. Great job!
    ..... now where is my hat?

  9. #29
    damned's Avatar
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    Thank you Fizbam, Ardem, Trenloe, Blackfoot for running sessions.
    Ardem from seeing the comments out there in steamland there are plenty of new players headed this way wanting to play genres other than fantasy

  10. #30
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Thank you Fizbam, Ardem, Trenloe, Blackfoot for running sessions.
    Ardem from seeing the comments out there in steamland there are plenty of new players headed this way wanting to play genres other than fantasy
    That pretty kewl, well I am pretty ready to release the Extinction Event ruleset. It been tested and work pretty well. So I will put a few more polishes and add it to the core download ability.

    It be nice to see it out there and what other GM do with it. The biggest benefit I have found with modern day stuff. Google Maps, https link even youtube links can be used to enhance the game. I added a youtube tourism ad at the start of the game to give the guys a feeling of Sydney, Australia. Out of the three americans only one had been, so I think it was nice setting the scene.

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