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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    France, near Paris

    Vampire the Masquerade Ruleset for FG3

    Dark Ages Extension
    Crossover Extension

    hi i have create a rulset for vampire the masquerade 20th anniversary edition and Fantasy Grounds 3 alpha.
    You can download it at : Old Link Removed

    If you find a bug, please send a message to this topic.

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT 2017-04-06 (v3.2 compatible version)
    EDIT 2019-12-05 (FGU compatible version; no functionality change)
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; December 6th, 2019 at 01:05.

  2. #2
    Good work so far. It should also be noted that it can be used for Vampire: the Dark Ages, very effectively. With a few modifications it could also do justice to any of the "old-school" WW games. Perhaps as user extensions to the character sheet.

    Aliens.... Go fig?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    France, near Paris
    Yes, need to create extension for vampire : the dark ages, old vampire the masquerade (v1,v2,v3) and other world of darkness games. The problems is to modify the PC and NPC page 3 for roll dodge, strike,...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by earthworm3 View Post
    Yes, need to create extension for vampire : the dark ages, old vampire the masquerade (v1,v2,v3) and other world of darkness games. The problems is to modify the PC and NPC page 3 for roll dodge, strike,...
    All easily overwritten by a new sheet and scripts. You can even use it for Exalted if you could find some way of incorporating the over the top combat that takes place in that game; but you're right, scripts would have to be overwritten, for the rolls, although the 20th anniversary system is almost Identical to 3e V:TM.

    Aliens.... Go fig?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    France, near Paris
    1) ok so for vampire the dark ages i have to recreate sheet and scripts ?

    2) Tomorrow i will create an extension for vampire: the dark ages.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by earthworm3 View Post
    1) ok so for vampire the dark ages i have to recreate sheet and scripts ?

    2) Tomorrow i will create an extension for vampire: the dark ages.
    The main differences (which I think were incorporated into the 20th Anniversary) was the concept of Roads, Virtues, Merits and Flaws. Diablerie is not an option (you are of a younger generation) and the creation of ghouls is more important than normal (as the church holds sway, and in Veil of Night, their are certain Muslim locations like the Rock of Mohammed that vampires also can't approach. Otherwise the mechanics are the same. Unless you consider the skill differences for things like mounted combat or extended melee (riposte as a combat action comes to mind). Otherwise it should be an easy port.

    Aliens.... Go fig?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    Oh Gods Ferguson... the mere thought of a working Exalted system, would make me happy as a little pony on LSD. *cough* But eh... that should probably wait until after the new 3rd edition comes out, within a couple of months (one can only hope).

    Anyways. What I really wanted to say, was that, if there could be made a "universal" ruleset for White Wolf Storyteller games, with extentions and so on, that would be awesome. I really dig both the new and old World of Darkness games. My friends and I barely touches any other game systems. The only reason why we've played a bit of D&D after years of snubbing it, was due to FGII and its automation. Besides. WoD games lets us play some really interesting characters.

    Vires Animi

    EDIT: I just wanted to look at the improvements to see what was going on, but it didn't work. I take it, that this version only works on FG 3.0? Cause I tried it on the 2.9.something.
    Last edited by viresanimi; October 5th, 2013 at 07:56.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    France, near Paris
    If you want this ruleset for FG2.9.4 try it : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...set/VtM1.4.pak
    If you want this ruleset for FFG3.0 alpha try it : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...set/VtM1.5.pak

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by viresanimi View Post
    Oh Gods Ferguson... the mere thought of a working Exalted system, would make me happy as a little pony on LSD. *cough* But eh... that should probably wait until after the new 3rd edition comes out, within a couple of months (one can only hope).

    Anyways. What I really wanted to say, was that, if there could be made a "universal" ruleset for White Wolf Storyteller games, with extentions and so on, that would be awesome. I really dig both the new and old World of Darkness games. My friends and I barely touches any other game systems. The only reason why we've played a bit of D&D after years of snubbing it, was due to FGII and its automation. Besides. WoD games lets us play some really interesting characters.

    Vires Animi

    EDIT: I just wanted to look at the improvements to see what was going on, but it didn't work. I take it, that this version only works on FG 3.0? Cause I tried it on the 2.9.something.
    I <<ahem>> wouldn't mind seeing an Exalted 1e game implemented <<ahem>> as well. The only trouble I see with the "universal" concept, is that each system would require a major overhaul of the character sheet. For 2e games there's the New WOD (nWoD), available through the community links, that does precisely that. It works for pretty much all of the "new rules" games. This project I'd like to see emulate just the basic V:TM (and V:TDA!). I'm not sure if you can enter in a pack of Garou as an encounter in the ruleset (I haven't been testing that aspect yet). If it proves simple enough, I can't see why the ruleset couldn't be made "universal" for the old-schoolers in us.

    Aliens.... Go fig?

  10. #10
    The thing I always liked best about the WW games was running cross-over campaigns. We usually had at least a mage, a couple werewolves and a vamp, possibly with ghoul any time we ran. I'm not at all up-to-date on the new systems, but I wonder if it would be possible to incorporate a character sheet module into a universal WW rule set that would contain all the variations and allow the player to pick a type at creation that then determined how *their* character sheet appeared. Are the mechanics in FG robust enough and the functionality of WW character sheets universal enough to allow for such a thing? Just a thought.


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