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  1. #1
    ddavison's Avatar
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    RMC Character Vault

    This is a thread where you can export and attach your characters for others to use in their games. For those users who are very familiar with character creation in RMC and within the FG ruleset, I see this as a great way to provide simple, ready-to-play characters to help promote more GMs to pick up and run Rolemaster Classic games online.

    To Export a character
    After you are done building your character, select the export option from the character menu and choose where you want to save your character's XML file. I recommend placing this in the My Documents or some other easily accessible location.

    Once you've exported all the characters you want to post to the character vault, simply attach them to a new post on this thread along with the character name, a brief introduction and an optional background. If you have a matching portrait you recommend and it isn't copywritten, feel free to attach it here as well.

    To Import a character
    Save the XML attachment you are interested in to your computer. I recommend the My Documents folder or some other easily accessible location. Launch Fantasy Grounds and the RMC ruleset and then click on the Import icon in the lower-right corner of the Characters window. Assign a new portrait and you should be ready to go.

  2. #2
    Suitable as pre-gen PC or NPC in any beginning campaign, here is a level 1 half-elf ranger. He is gifted with the bow, inherited a magical bow, and has basic magical skills.

  3. #3

    New player, but here are some characters (level 1)

    Level 1 RMC characters. Comments welcome.

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotensDraco View Post
    Level 1 RMC characters. Comments welcome.
    I have no comment on your characters but I do wish you a warm welcome PotensDraco!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    North GA (CA Transplant)
    I do not see an import option icon on my character selection screen for Rolemaster. I see the Create New Character button and I see a Export Icon on characters I have made. Am I missing an extension or something?

  6. #6
    Ardem's Avatar
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    There is should be two ways of doing this. A) definitely works B) I think someone else need to wade in.

    A) You request you GM does the import on the far right hand side of the char window, there is a uparrow icon this allows the GM to import characters.
    B) Import through Manage Characters, you still need the paid version of RMC to do this, however I have just checked and there is no import button here, and /import or /importchar does not launch a window. Perhaps it another /command I am unaware of.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by RedPaladine View Post
    I do not see an import option icon on my character selection screen for Rolemaster. I see the Create New Character button and I see a Export Icon on characters I have made. Am I missing an extension or something?
    I've attached a screenshot with the export and import buttons labeled.

    1. Export button
    2. Import button

    Attachment 13945

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    North GA (CA Transplant)
    I see that screen when I load a Rolemaster campaign but, when I load the Manage Characters option in FG I see the follwing screen:

    Attachment 13946

    Is this normal or am I missing something?

    Thank you

  9. #9
    Hi RedPaladine,

    That is actually normal because the import function was only setup for when the GM hosts a campaign. Manage Characters actually handles it a bit differently. If its a character that you used in another GM's game then you can select it in Manage Characters by selecting the campaign before pushing the start button. Then it will include the characters you used in that campaign. Here is a screenshot so you know what I am referring to:
    Attachment 13953

    I usually start a new campaign and create all my characters within that campaign. Manage Characters has a few limitations like not being able to select different preferences that you won't encounter doing it from a campaign. Then you can export characters when needed or import them if you have a XML character file.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    North GA (CA Transplant)
    Hi Dakadin,

    Thank you for the information.

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