5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    Template for Game Listings for GMs LFP Looking For Players

    This is designed to make everyone's life easier, both GM's and players. When posting a game listing that needs players, please use this template.

    FG License: What license do the players need to play in your game. Verbage may change over time. i.e. GM has Full so players need at least Lite, or Free or whatever it is.
    Game System: i.e. Pathfinder, D&D 4E, etc.

    Time Zone: i.e. Central Time USA, etc.
    Day of week and time: i.e. Tuesdays or Fridays starting at 8 pm, etc.
    If new game, planned start date:
    Planned Duration & Frequency: i.e. 2 Hour session, 5 Hour Session, etc. & i.e. Weekly, every other week, once a month, etc.
    Term: i.e. Long term keep playing for a while, or Working through a module and will be done as a group when that is over, etc.

    Text or Voice: i.e. Text ONLY, Voice preferred, Mix of both ok, etc.
    Main Language used: i.e. English, German, etc. spoken or written, just which language will you run the game in
    Voice software used: i.e. Discord, Skype, Teamspeak, Google Hangout, etc.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? i.e. podcast, Twitch, Youtube, etc. If so, do you want webcam video from players or not? Other details, etc.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: i.e. 50/50, 25/75 Heavy Combat, No Combat, etc.
    Number of Players in game & needed: i.e. Have 2 players, need 3 more, etc.
    Character starting level & equipment: i.e. 2nd level with 1 magic item under 4k, etc.
    Character restrictions: i.e. Only core races and classes, or non-Magic world, etc.

    Details of your scenario: i.e. Your sales pitch to players, what is your world like, what will they be doing, etc. As much or as little detail as you want to give away here.
    **Also in here*** What do you expect from players as a GM? What do you not want? rules lawyers, combat monsters, min/max, etc. Any warnings or disclaimers you feel will help attract the right players and weed out the ones that you feel will not fit or be fun in this game.

    Following a suggestion from my Player LFG template, here is some Title suggestions and a blank Template to copy and paste.
    Title Example:
    LFP Need 3 Players Wed Night 6PM EST USA 5E Hoard of the Dragon Queen
    LFP = Looking for Players, lets people know this before clicking
    Say how many players you need.
    Say what day & time is the game.
    Say what system & module or homebrew maybe even what level players start at.

    Once again, I really hope this helps you find players for your game and that you can enjoy this great hobby of Role Playing online via Fantasy Grounds.

    FG License:
    Game System:

    Time Zone:
    Day of week and time:
    If new game, planned start date:
    Planned Duration & Frequency:

    Text or Voice:
    Main Language used:
    Voice software used:
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?

    Roleplay & Combat mix:
    Number of Players in game & needed:
    Character starting level & equipment:
    Character restrictions:

    Details of your scenario:
    Last edited by PhorgottenSon; September 16th, 2023 at 23:00. Reason: some updates
    Full License owner
    Destroyer of Bacon
    The thin line between genius and insanity is dotted.

  2. #2
    I think this is a great idea .. only thing I would add is the GM's opinion on rules lawyers and/or power gamers and/or "combat monsters" who are more interested in hack and slash than the finer points of role playing - sometimes it's best to get that sorted out in advance to prevent misunderstandings between the GM and players as to what is expected in the campaign :P .. The clarification of text and/or voice is in my humble opinion particularly outstanding .. perhaps with a warning if it's all text " Slow typists may not be able to keep up ! " (this has happened to me as a GM before even when the players are using voice chat for out of character type stuff and I've insisted on everything in-character being typed as I tend to do ...)

  3. #3
    dr_venture's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Yosemite, CA
    Good work - I hope this gets pinned somewhere folks can be reminded to use it... I would!
    "A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." - John Shedd
    "Why is it every time we need to get somewhere, I get waylaid by jackassery?" - Dr. Thaddeus Venture
    -- CA (Pacific time zone) --

  4. #4
    Something like the GM's opinion on rules lawyers, etc. I think might be tough to put on one line and should be part of the details of the scenario where the GM can be a bit more free form and go into those details. I will edit it to make it more clear on that bit.
    Full License owner
    Destroyer of Bacon
    The thin line between genius and insanity is dotted.

  5. #5
    One thing I always include and look for in these kind of posts is how the gaming table and the GM place themselves on the GNS theory.

    It doesn't answer everything, but it's a pretty good start.

  6. #6
    It sounds good, hope it will get better and better!

  7. #7
    Following a suggestion from my Player LFG template, here is some Title suggestions and a blank Template to copy and paste.
    Title Example:
    LFP Need 3 Players Wed Night 6PM EST USA 5E Hoard of the Dragon Queen
    LFP = Looking for Players, lets people know this before clicking
    Say how many players you need.
    Say what day & time is the game.
    Say what system & module or homebrew maybe even what level players start at.

    Once again, I really hope this helps you find players for your game and that you can enjoy this great hobby of Role Playing online via Fantasy Grounds.

    FG License:
    Game System:

    Time Zone:
    Day of week and time:
    If new game, planned start date:
    Planned Frequency:

    Text or Voice:
    Voice software used:

    Roleplay & Combat mix:
    Number of Players in game & needed:
    Character starting level & equipment:
    Character restrictions:

    Details of your scenario:

    Link to Gamecalendar page:
    Full License owner
    Destroyer of Bacon
    The thin line between genius and insanity is dotted.

  8. #8
    Just a suggestion - for players looking for DM, perhaps "LFDM" would be better - easier to separate the two.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Thank you
    Last edited by DMZeff; May 5th, 2016 at 22:30.

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