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  1. #21
    Yeah I still need to change the way the skills are done because it was first developed to be hard coded to a location in the Character Law module. This became an issue when skills could be created within the interface because it won't put the skills where the primary skills are located. I need to change it so it is just a field on each skill so they can easily be changed.

  2. #22
    QuirkyBirky's Avatar
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    That would be a big help. I know you're supposed to be able to define a primary skill somehow or other (tweaking the reference to reference.skilllist.primaryskills.list) but I've never managed to get it working. I resorted to amending the Character Law mod with my new primaries, which works fine until an update overwrites it (hence I end up in a scramble to find a backup copy of the modified mod).

  3. #23
    You can do it using another module but the primary skills need to be located at this location in the module:
    If they aren't then the ruleset won't find them.

  4. #24
    QuirkyBirky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    You can do it using another module but the primary skills need to be located at this location in the module:
    If they aren't then the ruleset won't find them.
    I think I had it working at one point, but it all went pear shaped when I tried to do all the Spacemaster ones (and sort out the relevant profession costs). I won't lose any sleep over it though - what I've currently got is working for me.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    Yeah I still need to change the way the skills are done because it was first developed to be hard coded to a location in the Character Law module. This became an issue when skills could be created within the interface because it won't put the skills where the primary skills are located. I need to change it so it is just a field on each skill so they can easily be changed.
    I have a question regarding skill resolving in the ruleset: Are you using any static resolving tables (FRPG or other)- I canīt find any?

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    Siltoneous has been doing a great job helping me with documentation. He's been doing the bulk of the work with me just answering questions. The Character Creation/Character Sheet and Campaign Options are now available on the wiki. The can also be accessed within the ruleset. Here are the links to the wiki:

    Rolemaster Classic - Character Creation/Character Sheet
    Rolemaster Classic - Campaign Options
    Thanks for your wonderfull FGU Ruleset- i Have a question regarding breakage of weapons- how are they resolved in your ruleset? I see the numbers are in but never saw a breakage result or strengh roll done? Thanks

  7. #27
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    I believe all of the static skills automatically pull up the Alternative Static Action table when rolled.
    When a PC rolls the static action skill, it will open the table resolver with this table and highlight the result.

  8. #28
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by micael View Post
    I have a question regarding skill resolving in the ruleset: Are you using any static resolving tables (FRPG or other)- I canīt find any?
    Weapon breakage is handled manually, just roll D100 and if the result indicates breakage, then the weapon is broken.
    Criticals that have a result of breakage are handled the same way.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by micael View Post
    I have a question regarding skill resolving in the ruleset: Are you using any static resolving tables (FRPG or other)- I canīt find any?
    You can find the Alternative Static Action Table in the Other Tables section of RM Tables. There is also an option to turn on in the Optional Rules (GM) section called "ChL #24: An Alternative Static Maneuver Table" which if set to On will automatically use the appropriate column of the table when a SM skill is rolled.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Sulimo View Post
    Weapon breakage is handled manually, just roll D100 and if the result indicates breakage, then the weapon is broken.
    Criticals that have a result of breakage are handled the same way.
    What a pity- I searched especially for a system where these pesty rolls are automatic- any chance they will be in future? If not nobody will use the system because so many extra rolls and looking after numbers are needed?

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