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  1. #11
    Hi Dakadin, I am looking for the static maneuver table, I see it is in character law but cannot find it in the tables option on the main screen, so I can drag it into the combat resolver. I can see the M&m table and the resistance roll table, but no static maneuver table. Thanks.

  2. #12
    Hi Mac77,

    Unfortunately, that table isn't one of the ones setup for the Table Resolver. There is some good news though. I think Ardem has a copy of it in his RMFRP module that goes with the RMFRP extension. There is a sticky thread for modules and extensions which should have a link to it.

  3. #13
    Thank you sir.

  4. #14
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia
    Yeah RMFRP has the static maneuver table as well as all the tables from the school of hard knocks, so lots of tables. You just need to mod file, the ext file is not need unless you plan to run a frp game.

  5. #15
    I updated the first post with a link to the Rolemaster Classic - Campaign Preferences page on the FG wiki that Siltoneous created.
    Last edited by Dakadin; June 23rd, 2020 at 19:08.

  6. #16
    I updated the first post with a link to the new Rolemaster Classic - Character Creation/Character Sheet. You can thank Siltoneous for this one also.

  7. #17
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    FYI, it appears that the links to the Wiki in the first post are no longer valid (I think Smiteworks did something with the Wiki a while back that nerfed a bunch of links not just these).

    Here are the two documents:

    Rolemaster Classic - Character Creation
    Rolemaster Classic - Campaign Options

  8. #18
    Thanks Sulimo! I updated the first post with the new URLs.

  9. #19
    How does a GM move skills from Secondary to Primary, and vice-versa? And change the skill cost?
    Is this the best thread for these question?

  10. #20
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Pacific Time Zone
    Quote Originally Posted by Randalthor66 View Post
    How does a GM move skills from Secondary to Primary, and vice-versa? And change the skill cost?
    Short answer is you cannot change Skills from Primary to Secondary, they are hard coded.

    If you need to move DPs between Pri and Sec, you can do that, but you will need to keep track of the math.

    Quote Originally Posted by Randalthor66 View Post
    Is this the best thread for these question?
    I am not sure there is a right answer, but generally, it is recommended to start a new thread unless your issue is the same as what the thread is covering.

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