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  1. #1
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Players (and GMs) - PFS Chronicle Sheets - Please read!

    It has come to my attention that we really need to start getting our chronicle sheets in order.

    In face-to-face games, a lot of chronicle sheets are left pretty blank by GMs, with just the XP, Prestige/Fame, Gold, Day job and event/GM details filled in - and the rest is left to the player to fill out later. This is usually because they are pushed for time at the end of a game in a public area (gaming store, convention, etc.) and need to close up the game quickly. It frequently results in the player not filling out the chronicle at all! Or making mistakes which may (under certain circumstances) invalidate the whole chronicle.

    As we in our nice Fantasy Grounds PFS community can handle this admin online after the game we are now doing chronicle sheets the way they should actually be done - have the full details of the PC (name, PFS number, Faction), previous chronicle information (Chronicle #, XP, PP, Fame, GP), show sales and purchases and allow the whole chronicle to be completed and signed by the GM - this is how the PFS guide expects a chronicle to be handled!

    Details of this are provided in instructions for the GM from the PFS guide (page 37), the first step of this is:
    Quote Originally Posted by PFS Guide, page 37
    Step 1: Hand each of the players a blank Chronicle sheet and ask them to fill out the sections marked A–G, J, K, and P (Scenario Chronicle #, Advancement Track, Player Name, Starting XP, Initial Fame, Initial Prestige, Starting GP, etc.). When they’re done entering this information from their past Chronicle sheets, have them return the documents to you.
    Hence why GMs are asking for this information before they provide a completed chronicle back to the players.

    Please help your GM by providing the correct information. How you go about this is up to the individual GM - they may ask to see electronic copies of all of your chronicle sheets, they may ask to see just the last chronicle sheet, they may ask you to provide the information needed to fill out the chronicle sheet or they may ask you to fill out the relevant information in the chronicle sheet before digitally signing it. It is up to the GM how this is accomplished - please work with them amicably to complete your chronicle sheet as quickly and efficiently as you can. Thanks.

    It is the players responsibility to make sure they have a complete, up-to-date and fully completed set of chronicle sheets for your PC. We are actually helping you to do that by ensuring the chronicles issued here are correct and complete, and addressing any questions/issues at the time.

    If you have any questions about the whole Chronicle process please reply to this thread.
    Last edited by Trenloe; October 23rd, 2013 at 01:53.
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  2. #2
    Skellan's Avatar
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    As I fill out lots of chronicle sheets I am all for this
    Having the full info is a big help.

    If anyone needs any help getting their chronicles sorted, let me know and I will help if I can
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  3. #3
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    A copy of the previous chronicle along with a list of purchases for the new one makes it really simple.
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  4. #4
    Gadreun's Avatar
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    i just post a copy of my character and my last chronicle sheet for the GM - i think thats all i need to do?

    Should i do anything else to make everyones life easier?
    Ultimate license

  5. #5
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gadreun
    i just post a copy of my character and my last chronicle sheet for the GM - i think thats all i need to do?

    Should i do anything else to make everyones life easier?
    No, that is all that is needed.

    As mentioned in bold in the first post, make sure you provide an electronic form of your last chronicle sheet - fully completed.

    These should be supplied before the game.

    After the game, work with your GM to ensure all purchases and other items are entered in the chronicle before they provide you with a signed, finalised chronicle.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  6. #6
    I looked but I can't find this posted elsewhere, Where do you grab a blank chronicle sheet to type in. I have just been handwriting them and scanning in the signed copy for the players but I like the idea of them filling out most of it.

  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winged1
    I looked but I can't find this posted elsewhere, Where do you grab a blank chronicle sheet to type in. I have just been handwriting them and scanning in the signed copy for the players but I like the idea of them filling out most of it.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  8. #8
    Skellan's Avatar
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    Actually, is there any reason we aren't asking players to complete step 1:

    Step 1: Hand each of the players a blank Chronicle
    sheet and ask them to fill out the sections marked A–G,
    J, K, and P (Character Chronicle #, Advancement Track,
    Player Name, Starting XP, Initial Fame, Initial Prestige,
    Starting GP, etc.). When they’re done entering this
    information from their past Chronicle sheets, have
    them return the documents to you.

    It would be a bit less admin for the gm. It may not seem much but inputting names, pfs numbers, factions, starting gold, xp, etc. takes time

    I can't remember if there was a reason we didnt do this?
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  9. #9
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skellan View Post
    It would be a bit less admin for the gm. It may not seem much but inputting names, pfs numbers, factions, starting gold, xp, etc. takes time

    I can't remember if there was a reason we didnt do this?
    The only reason I can think of really is that it is somewhat technical and requires software (acrobat reader of the correct version). We have issues with some of the GMs not wanting to 'all do it the same way'. How can we expect every player (whether an experienced one or a new one) to do it and do it right the first time?

    Certainly if we had tables full of players who did these all the time... it'd be easy... definitely easier for GMs. If GM posted the blank Chronicle Sheet when he announced the game, the players could have it mostly filled out in advance, add their purchases at the end, and then post it up for the GM to complete.

    This is a fair amount of back and forth with files... and I'm unsure about the success of the technical element with some players.
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  10. #10
    Skellan's Avatar
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    There's no guarantee that players will get it right first time if the write out the chronicle manually either. I don't think we should have to do anything different than is set out in the organised play guide. The gm has to check the info anyway. The level of work for gm's running scenarios online is already higher than than running games tabletop and admin/prep time is a barrier to people running games.
    I think players need more credit. They know the funny spelling of their character's name (I get this stuff wrong all the time) and know their personal info etc. I am think they are technically competent enough to get acrobat reader.

    I think its worth a try to see how it goes, having players fill out player info will make things easier I think.
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