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  1. #31
    Any plans to implement something to reduce movement, in line with critical that states for example "Foe moves at -50...."?

    Also can we apply a duration to when someone goes prone, to support critical result that states "Foe's chest is ruptured. He takes 6 hits per round and in 3 rounds he drops and dies after 3 more rounds." ?

  2. #32
    Can you give me an example of the "Foe moves at -50...." because I don't remember seeing that in the Arms Law or Spell Law criticals?

    I just use the dying for those so dying 6. You could also use the wound for a description to keep track of it.

    The RM tables have so many one off effects and they aren't consistent that it makes it really hard to take everything into account especially for one possible result from all the tables.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    Can you give me an example of the "Foe moves at -50...." because I don't remember seeing that in the Arms Law or Spell Law criticals?
    It is from Disruptiuon critical table, Rolemaster Companion III (A Crit: 36-45).

    Can be something manually managed, but since so much is so well automated I thought I would ask.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by mikegraf View Post
    It is from Disruptiuon critical table, Rolemaster Companion III (A Crit: 36-45).

    Can be something manually managed, but since so much is so well automated I thought I would ask.
    Thanks for telling me where. I will add it to my list.

    Be sure to add using the Wound element in the XML for the critical table so it shows up as an effect.

  5. #35
    Thank you once more Dakadin, with your guide I created three additional crit tables from RoCo3. However there is a problem with one and only one of those (Acid).
    It will not be opened from the table resolver when chosen to resolve the crit, neither as alternate nor as additional crit. No message in the console is provided. When I drag it manually into the resolver everything works fine with the table. When I open it from the tables window, everything is fine. Only when I want to apply the crit, I can choose the table and the resolver shows the correct name as tooltip, but nothing happens when clicked on Alternate or Additional Crit. No crit table is added at the bottom of the window. (no extensions, only Arms and Spell law as other loaded modules)
    As the other two work fine I am a bit surprised.
    Is there any way to get deeper debug info than console errors or do you/ does anyone have any idea where I could look?

  6. #36
    One thing to check for is that the XML tag for the ID is unique otherwise FG won't load the duplicates. I showed <AAA-01> and <AAA-02> in the instructions. I would need to see the module XML to see if I can track down why it isn't loading. If it isn't the ID then send me a private message so we can troubleshoot the issue.

  7. #37
    Stanger things have happened but I am glad that it works now. After I just added some more crits to the db.xml file the resolver picked it up ok.

  8. #38
    I am glad it is working now. It might have been that the module needed to be reloaded to show the differences. When updating modules and checking as you go, you will want to unload it and load it back up.

  9. #39
    curiosity, is there code for 'foe loses initiative for X rounds'?

    also, if i add the line <Text type="string"> you lose initiative</Text> in the effects section, does that add that line into the combat tracker when the result is drug over there or does that not do anything?
    Last edited by steff; April 2nd, 2021 at 22:28.

  10. #40
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