5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    Hello there, New guy alert

    Hey there,

    I'm Sammy, I've been playing since 1982, my junior year in high school. I've Played and GM'ed about 50% of the games out there and have read about 50% of the rest. I started out playing Champions and AD&D and graduated into several other games and systems.

    I have experience in:

    Hero Systems (Champions, Fantasy Hero, Star Hero, etc.)
    AD&D (1st and 2nd)
    Gamma World (2nd, 3rd, 4th)
    Dungeons & Dragons (3rd and 4th)
    D&D Settings (Dark Sun, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Planescape, Spelljammer, and World of Greyhawk)
    D20 Modern (Dark Matter, Urban Arcana)
    Alternity (Dark Matter, Star*Drive)
    Babylon 5 (D20)
    Star Trek (FASA, ICON, CODA)
    Star Wars (D6, D20, Saga)
    DC Heroes (MEGS, M&M)
    Marvel Heroes (TSR, Saga)
    Mutants & Masterminds (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
    Villains & Vigilantes
    and a couple dozen I can't remember right now.

    I am interested in, but not played the following:
    Monte Cook's World of Darkness
    Cortex System (Battlestar Galactia, Serenity, Supernatural)

    Settings and Systems I don't like
    Call of Cthulu
    White Wolf World of Darkness

  2. #2
    Ardem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Sydney, Australia
    Welcome sammy I am fairly new myself.

    Check out the calender section there might be some roleplaying games in your area.

  3. #3
    That is quite the extensive list. I am impressed.
    Now ever man is entitled to his opinion, and I am not judging you for yours, but you have sparked an honest curiosity in me.

    You list White Wolfs WoD as a setting you do not like, but Monte Cook's as a setting you are interested in. Might I ask what brings that on? I have seen people who like neither, and I have seen people who like White Wolfs but despise Monte Cooks, but you are honestly the first person I have encountered that with this combo. Can you elaborate for us?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by unerwünscht
    That is quite the extensive list. I am impressed.
    Now ever man is entitled to his opinion, and I am not judging you for yours, but you have sparked an honest curiosity in me.

    You list White Wolfs WoD as a setting you do not like, but Monte Cook's as a setting you are interested in. Might I ask what brings that on? I have seen people who like neither, and I have seen people who like White Wolfs but despise Monte Cooks, but you are honestly the first person I have encountered that with this combo. Can you elaborate for us?
    Well I've played in the original WoD and didn't like it. I have yet to try Cook's version and it is somewhat different.

    What I didn't like about WoD, especially Vampire is that you can either build the smart political savvy vampire or the brute vampire. I tried building a mix of the two and was outclassed by both sides. I like playing balanced characters, I'd rather be average or above average at lots of things than exceptional at one or two. I just couldn't work that out in WoD, it might be my fault, your mileage may vary. I tend to be able to get more balanced characters with D20, again your mileage may vary.

  5. #5
    I have found that both D20 system and the Story Telling System leave something to be desired when attempting to play a character that is not built for being great at one thing and one thing only. However I agree D20 is better at it, GURPS has always been best at it from what I have seen.

    On a similar topic have you ever put any thought into building your own system? Sounds like to me (at least from your subtext) that you might have some good ideas on how a system should run, and I am always looking for a better system.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by unerwünscht
    I have found that both D20 system and the Story Telling System leave something to be desired when attempting to play a character that is not built for being great at one thing and one thing only. However I agree D20 is better at it, GURPS has always been best at it from what I have seen.

    On a similar topic have you ever put any thought into building your own system? Sounds like to me (at least from your subtext) that you might have some good ideas on how a system should run, and I am always looking for a better system.

    Way back in the Eighties I tried to create a system that emulated professional wresting. I was going to take wresting terms like "Intestinal Fortitude" and "Finishing Move" put them into a combat system, while adding role-playing touches like best TV soliloquy. But with most things life had another idea.

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