1. #1

    Coc 1920's era?? and Extension weirdness

    Hello, can anyone tell me why there isn't a "1920's era" extension? I realize the difference between 1890's skills and 1920's is minimal, but I wonder why?

    The 2nd part to my question is a bit of extension weirdness...

    I took the 1890's extension, copied it, and turned it into a 1920's (made some skill changes). Named it "CoC1920s.ext" and put it in my extensions folder. It would NOT show up in the list of extensions for cthul.

    I double-checked the file and it was correct. So, for fun, I renamed the file to "CoC1920sEra.ext" and it DID show up. After I rebooted, however, it stopped showing up. I renamed the file AGAIN (to "CoC20s.ext") and poof it started showing up yet again.

    What is the nine hells is going on? Anyone have any insight? FG ver 2.7.2 (latest developer release)

    --updated when I delete my working dir (directory I put extension.xml into, zip up, and change .zip to .ext), it stops showing up. It doesn't like my .ext file for some reason. When the folder which contains my extension.xml is present it works.

    I'm just using win-rar to zip the dir (make it a zip not rar), then change .zip to .ext... ????
    Last edited by bradbdavis; October 14th, 2010 at 14:11.

  2. #2
    Can someone please tell me if this .ext works for you, and if it doesn't why not? It only works for me when I unzip it to a folder and get rid of the .ext file.

    Oh, and please advise if this belongs in the Workshop or somewhere else.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bradbdavis
    Can someone please tell me if this .ext works for you, and if it doesn't why not? It only works for me when I unzip it to a folder and get rid of the .ext file.

    Oh, and please advise if this belongs in the Workshop or somewhere else.
    Try removing the folder you have within. All the data for the extention should be right inside the Extention/Zip

    - CoC1920
    - - extention.xml

    should be

    - extention.xml

    After making the changes, the extention populates on the startup screen.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
    tdewitt274 is correct it will work perfectly if you remove the folder

    i'm not sure which skills you changed/added, but I believe the reason there is no extension for the 1920's is that the 1920's is supposed to be the default era of the ruleset. so no extension was needed

    As far as I can see the skills in the default ruleset are all present and correct for the 6th edition of the chaosium version of CoC. - although the order is a little different since they are all in alphabetical order (no separate firearms section).
    Possibly you are used to a different edition of the game? some skills have been changed over the years.

  5. #5


    Wow, I was hit with the silly stick--thank you for pointing that out!

    And, thank you for pointing out that 1920 it's the default

    "If'n I ain't the gran-daddy of all liars!"

    I always feel compelled to select an era extension; I didn't realize that it could be default. This is because I'm an orthogonal being and expect parallelism everywhere (i.e., if there's an 1890's option, there should be 1920s, modern, dark ages, etc). heheheh, ahhh the humanity.

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by bradbdavis; October 14th, 2010 at 21:13.

  6. #6
    That's funny because I was doing the same thing up until a couple weeks ago... I was wondering where the 1920's era was! But yeah, just disabling the era extensions will default it to 1920's.

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