1. #1

    Tokens causing problems

    I recently started a new d&d 4E campaign. The first session, we played for about an hour. As soon as we got to the first encounter and I was setting up tokens on a map, all my players clients froze up. They never were able to get back into the game. After researching the issue, I realized that the hard disconnect caused the db.xml file to corrupt. I didn't have a good backup db.xml to replace it. I ended up losing the entire campaign and character data.

    The next two weeks, I spent rebuilding my campaign from scratch in a brand new campaign file. So, tonight, we tried again. Everything worked fine until I started setting out tokens. Then the same thing happened. This time, I had a backup of the db.xml file saved in a different location, which I could quickly copy over to restore the campaign. The issue kept happening, over and over. After much testing, one of my players realized that the issue was with the tokens. Testing his theory, we resorted to using the generic, alphabetical tokens. All issues went away.

    The tokens I was using were all from the 4E Fantasy sets (H1 module and general fantasy sets) that I purchased in the FG store. They install as a module, rather than in the conventional way of hand transfer into the FG Applications folder. Has anyone else experience a problem with these tokens? Or did I just get a bad download or bad install of them? How do I go about fixing this issue?

    At this point, I suspect it is an issue just with these tokens, although I haven't been able to do any testing of my other artwork tokens.

  2. #2
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Can you try to outline the exact steps and tokens you used so we can try to recreate this issue? Are you currently using 2.6.5 or are you testing with 2.7.0 right now?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison
    Can you try to outline the exact steps and tokens you used so we can try to recreate this issue? Are you currently using 2.6.5 or are you testing with 2.7.0 right now?
    The two token modules are the Disposable Heroes 4E Fantasy Tokens by Fiery Dragon and the H1 Keep Of The Shadowfell Fantasy Tokens by Fiery Dragon. Both were purchased in the Fantasy Grounds Store. Whenever I try to drag and drop one of these tokens from the combat tracker to a map, all of my players clients crash simultaneously. I'm not sure if it is all of the tokens in each set or just some of them. I'm also not sure if it is just these two sets or if it is more widespread issue. Those are the only ones I have had a chance to test. I'm using whatever the current official version of FG is, 2.6.5, If that is the version number. I am not beta testing the next version.

    To give a little more detail: I applied the tokens from the token box to npc and pc character sheets. I dragged and dropped the characters from their portrait to the combat tracker and then from the combat tracker to the map. I dragged and dropped npc's from the npc list to the encounter list, then added encounter to the combat tracker by clicking the little arrow underneath the npc's listed in the encounter, which adds all of them to the tracker at once. Then I drag and drop each npc from the combat tracker to the map. At any rate, at some point during the drag and drop from the combat tracker to the map, while using these tokens, the issue occurs.

    Also, I'm running windows seven on my server. My players are running older versions of windows, except one mac laptop under crossover. I also run one client instance on my server via localhost. All client machines, including the localhosted crash simultaneously. The FG server is unaffected and continues to operate normally. The db.xml file gets screwed, however, due to the hard disconnect of the clients.

    As I said, I'm not sure if it is only these 2 token sets, however, they are the only ones which are in module form vice the normal installation method to the token folder. Once I have a chance to do some further testing, I'll post the results.

  4. #4
    I'm wondering if my issue is not somehow related to the issue in this thread.


    I have also experienced issues with maps not sharing properly with clients, intermittantly, though it doesn't cause crashing, unresponsiveness or freeaing in the clients, just no map showing up. But, what struck my eye in this thread was the comment about preloading tokens because sometimes they take too long to load. I don't know if my issue with the tokens is related to this or not, it was just a thought.

  5. #5

    It might be related to some issues that I found with using tokens within modules within v2.6.5. Part of the updates for v2.7 are to address this issue. If you would like to try out testing v2.7 (pre-release), then check out the Laboratory thread.

    Otherwise, you can append .ZIP to your module files, open the resulting ZIP files, and extract the tokens to the <FG2 Application Data Folder>/tokens/shared directory.

    You can find a link to the FG2 Application Data Folder in the Start Menu section for Fantasy Grounds II.


  6. #6
    I just tried 2.7. I'm unable to even to load any campaign with it. I recieve a popup window "console 0" with the following message: Script Error {string 'launcher?campaignlistentry'}1: attempt to call field 'scrollToWindow' {a nil value}.

    So, I went back to 2.65.

    I was able to extract the icons from the mod files like you said. Copied them into the token shared directory. Testing things now.
    Last edited by vodokar; August 1st, 2010 at 23:35.

  7. #7
    It sounds like the application did not completely update to v2.7, only the launcher resources.

    * Was there an error in the updater?
    * Do you have multiple FantasyGrounds.exe processes running? (check task manager)


  8. #8
    No error reported in updater.
    No to multiple FantasyGrounds.exe processes running.

    Hope can figure this out before 2.7 goes live or I'll be down cold.

  9. #9
    Can you try a reboot, then try the test mode manager and update FG again?

    I'd like to track down if there is any problem; but no one else has reported the problem you saw.


  10. #10
    Reboot did the trick. Thanks for all your help. It's dedicated, caring and talented folks like you is why we stay loyal to FG.

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