Game Systems
Barbarians of Lemuria (3 Viewing)
Barbarians of Lemuria Forum
7 Threads203 PostsQuestion about Barbarians of...
January 12th, 2025, 14:33 by ProfDogg
Call of Cthulhu (20 Viewing)
Discuss the Call of Cthulhu ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
661 Threads5,966 PostsAs Keeper I need to be able...
February 9th, 2025, 17:31 by Pieter
6th Edition (5 Viewing)
Call of Cthulhu 6E
15 Threads142 PostsDecember 29th, 2024, 23:07 by Elquis
7th Edition (5 Viewing)
Call of Cthulhu 7th edition
239 Threads2,537 PostsAs Keeper I need to be able...
February 9th, 2025, 17:31 by Pieter
Castles & Crusades (5 Viewing)
Discuss the Castles & Crusades ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
399 Threads4,055 PostsJanuary 31st, 2025, 05:28 by Fistan77
Cosmere RPG (2 Viewing)
Discuss the Cosmere RPG ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
4 Threads20 PostsCosmere Playtest Friday the...
October 13th, 2024, 21:28 by Laerun
Cyberpunk RED (5 Viewing)
Discuss the Cyberpunk RED ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
33 Threads311 PostsFebruary 9th, 2025, 22:08 by Nightstride
Dune 2d20 (2 Viewing)
13 Threads158 PostsJanuary 6th, 2025, 04:11 by Jonbens
Dungeons & Dragons (142 Viewing)
All editions of Dungeons & Dragons
7,998 Threads86,929 PostsToday, 02:44 by Moon Wizard
Classic D&D (1E/2E, AD&D, OSRIC) (14 Viewing)
Community rulesets to support classic editions of D&D (OSRIC, D&D Basic, AD&D, etc.)
543 Threads5,942 PostsYesterday, 19:01 by celestian
3.5E (38 Viewing)
Discuss the 3.5E ruleset , adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
1,608 Threads16,352 PostsToday, 02:44 by Moon Wizard
4E (12 Viewing)
Discuss the 4E ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
954 Threads7,213 PostsWhat is the best way to get...
February 7th, 2025, 08:35 by Moon Wizard
5E (76 Viewing)
Discussion of the D&D 5E rules within FG.
4,893 Threads57,422 PostsFebruary 10th, 2025, 16:22 by ddavison
Fallout RPG (2 Viewing)
In 2077, the storm of nuclear war reduced most of the planet to cinders. From the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization will struggle to arise. A civilization you will shape.
125 Threads1,080 PostsFebruary 6th, 2025, 03:34 by KriticalKlown
Pathfinder Roleplaying Games (39 Viewing)
Both 1st edition and 2nd edition
2,157 Threads26,787 PostsToday, 05:01 by dllewell
Pathfinder 1E (10 Viewing)
793 Threads11,631 PostsToday, 05:01 by dllewell
Pathfinder 2E (21 Viewing)
1,364 Threads15,156 PostsFebruary 10th, 2025, 04:56 by darrenan
Savage Worlds (29 Viewing)
Discuss the Savage World ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
2,578 Threads23,136 PostsYesterday, 23:18 by kronovan
Star Trek Adventures 2d20 (5 Viewing)
Another 2d20 game by Modiphius. Ruleset by SmiteWorks.
39 Threads506 PostsNot on Steam: Star Trek Lower...
January 21st, 2025, 17:30 by MassSailor
Starfinder Roleplaying Games (15 Viewing)
723 Threads8,352 PostsOfficial Starfinder RPG Bug...
February 10th, 2025, 20:41 by superteddy57
Starfinder 1E (8 Viewing)
714 Threads8,234 PostsOfficial Starfinder RPG Bug...
February 10th, 2025, 20:41 by superteddy57
Starfinder 2E (3 Viewing)
9 Threads118 PostsJanuary 27th, 2025, 02:38 by Trenloe
Tales of the Valiant (2 Viewing)
Discuss the Tales of the Valiant ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
8 Threads120 PostsYesterday, 18:01 by hawkwind
Traveller (11 Viewing)
This forum covers any edition of Traveller, including the 1E version and the 2E versions by Mongoose which are available as Official Rulesets.
580 Threads7,304 PostsTraveller on the FG Store &...
Yesterday, 22:01 by Stargrove
World of Darkness (VTM/Werewolf/Hunter) (6 Viewing)
Discussion for the official 5th Edition ruleset.
127 Threads1,464 PostsJanuary 22nd, 2025, 20:13 by superteddy57
Other Game Systems (119 Viewing)
2,731 Threads45,499 PostsShadowdark Content Feedback...
Today, 01:30 by spoofer
13th Age (1 Viewing)
Discuss the 13th Age ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
47 Threads504 PostsOctober 26th, 2024, 10:32 by Vackipleur
Advanced Fighting Fantasy (4 Viewing)
7 Threads121 PostsDecember 17th, 2024, 22:18 by beaumont522
Against The Darkmaster (1 Viewing)
9 Threads81 PostsJanuary 18th, 2025, 14:37 by bayne7400
Alien RPG (5 Viewing)
86 Threads1,282 PostsOfficial Alien RPG Bugs Thread
January 20th, 2025, 12:50 by Magnimost
Basic Roleplaying (BRP) (8 Viewing)
Discuss the BRP ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
205 Threads2,075 PostsYesterday, 23:30 by superteddy57
Conan 2d20 RPG (4 Viewing)
38 Threads764 PostsDecember 11th, 2024, 04:16 by ProfDogg
CoreRPG (Generic Ruleset) (24 Viewing)
RPG Games built upon our built-in CoreRPG ruleset
685 Threads15,378 PostsFebruary 10th, 2025, 20:14 by Chasme
Forum for Cypher System including The Strange and Numenera.
12 Threads217 PostsJanuary 10th, 2025, 22:48 by wndrngdru
DCC (6 Viewing)
Dungeon Crawl Classics
57 Threads1,636 PostsFebruary 1st, 2025, 19:41 by *Neuro*
G.I. Joe (1 Viewing)
by Renegade Game Studios
3 Threads67 PostsOFFICIAL - E20 GI JOE RPG Bug...
January 30th, 2025, 00:12 by Tarkonian
GURPS (9 Viewing)
Discuss the GURPS community ruleset, schedule games or anything else related to GURPS.
265 Threads3,974 PostsFebruary 5th, 2025, 23:12 by Alpheus
ICONS (1 Viewing)
ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying
7 Threads101 PostsDecember 29th, 2024, 20:14 by Moon Wizard
Index Card RPG (2 Viewing)
9 Threads113 PostsNovember 6th, 2024, 17:34 by mhorgunn
MoreCore Rulesets (6 Viewing)
Games built upon the popular MoreCore ruleset
139 Threads5,764 PostsFebruary 8th, 2025, 20:37 by redjacobson
Mutants & Masterminds (6 Viewing)
Discussion of the official M&M 3rd Edition ruleset, custom extensions, adventures, forming of groups and more.
140 Threads1,437 PostsJanuary 20th, 2025, 06:14 by Moon Wizard
Old School Essentials (7 Viewing)
Discuss the Old School Essentials ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
66 Threads660 PostsJanuary 27th, 2025, 00:14 by bayne7400
The Power Rangers Roleplaying Game
2 Threads10 PostsOFFICIAL - E20 Power Rangers...
February 6th, 2025, 19:02 by Imparu
Rolemaster Classic (16 Viewing)
Discuss the Rolemaster Classic ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
832 Threads8,783 PostsError when opening Inventory...
January 27th, 2025, 19:23 by YAKO SOMEDAKY
Shadow of the Demon Lord (1 Viewing)
Official Shadow of the Demon Lord ruleset
21 Threads624 PostsFebruary 5th, 2025, 17:57 by mchargharg
Shadowdark (2 Viewing)
Information and Support for the Shadowdark ruleset.
33 Threads263 PostsShadowdark Content Feedback...
Today, 01:30 by spoofer
Symbaroum RPG (1 Viewing)
23 Threads555 PostsJanuary 26th, 2025, 20:01 by Moon Wizard
Transformers (3 Viewing)
Discussion and support for the Essence20 Transformers ruleset and modules
5 Threads67 PostsOFFICIAL - E20 Transformers...
October 5th, 2024, 06:27 by vegaserik
Vaesen (4 Viewing)
Nordic Roleplaying RPG Game
18 Threads212 PostsAugust 14th, 2024, 16:31 by deejaay1018
What's Old is New
17 Threads622 PostsOfficial W.O.I.N Bug Report...
April 19th, 2024, 07:17 by Moon Wizard
White Box OSR (2 Viewing)
This forum covers any Swords and Wizardry and other White Box OSR compatible games.
5 Threads189 PostsSwords and Wizardry Complete...
December 24th, 2024, 16:25 by ProfDogg
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