City Hall (16 Viewing)
Important messages from the administrators and developers
753 Threads9,424 PostsYesterday, 01:08 by Jiminimonka
The Tavern (192 Viewing)
General discussion about Fantasy Grounds
9,762 Threads88,305 PostsToday, 16:03 by Tempered7
The Commons (42 Viewing)
Non-Fantasy Grounds related discussion about gaming.
1,493 Threads13,437 PostsENWorld Survey: Your VTT of...
Today, 19:05 by Pharoid
The House of Healing - Fantasy Grounds (136 Viewing)
Customer support
The place to find help for technical problems running Fantasy Grounds7,611 Threads56,816 PostsToday, 19:45 by Trompillon
The House of Healing - Forge (7 Viewing)
Customer support
The place to find help for technical problems running Fantasy Grounds Forge170 Threads1,676 PostsFebruary 1st, 2025, 23:03 by Tempered7
The Laboratory (34 Viewing)
A place to discuss and report problems with the latest public test version.
852 Threads11,975 PostsYesterday, 21:05 by Moon Wizard
Fantasy Grounds Game Days (2 Viewing)
Official Free Fantasy Grounds Game Days
99 Threads119 PostsJanuary 13th, 2025, 23:17 by GregRex
Conventions (19 Viewing)
FG Con starts Friday, April 16th and runs through Sunday April 18th, 2021
322 Threads5,143 PostsOctober 3rd, 2024, 01:57 by Laerun
D&D Adventurer's League Games (6 Viewing)
General info on what you need to schedule, participate or host Adventurer League games for D&D.
565 Threads3,591 PostsFebruary 1st, 2025, 09:44 by Jiminimonka
LFG - Looking for Group (315 Viewing)
A board for finding games, announcing campaigns and scheduling play times. Please link games to the Game Calendar for Recruiting.
16,656 Threads109,047 PostsToday, 20:17 by tsm1991
Pathfinder Society Games (36 Viewing)
General Info and Recruiting for playing Pathfinder Organized Play
915 Threads23,295 Posts*** Game Announcement thread...
January 16th, 2025, 23:48 by stephan_
Starfinder Society Games (5 Viewing)
General Info and Recruiting for playing Starfinder Organized Play
250 Threads2,913 PostsLF 4-6 Players SFS Fri 6 pm...
January 14th, 2025, 04:19 by asidesolar
Barbarians of Lemuria (1 Viewing)
Barbarians of Lemuria Forum
7 Threads203 PostsQuestion about Barbarians of...
January 12th, 2025, 14:33 by ProfDogg
Call of Cthulhu (15 Viewing)
Discuss the Call of Cthulhu ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
661 Threads5,966 PostsAs Keeper I need to be able...
Yesterday, 17:31 by Pieter
Castles & Crusades (11 Viewing)
Discuss the Castles & Crusades ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
399 Threads4,055 PostsJanuary 31st, 2025, 05:28 by Fistan77
Discuss the Cosmere RPG ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
4 Threads20 PostsCosmere Playtest Friday the...
October 13th, 2024, 21:28 by Laerun
Cyberpunk RED (2 Viewing)
Discuss the Cyberpunk RED ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
33 Threads311 PostsYesterday, 22:08 by Nightstride
Dune 2d20 (4 Viewing)
13 Threads158 PostsJanuary 6th, 2025, 04:11 by Jonbens
7,996 Threads86,923 PostsToday, 16:22 by ddavison
Fallout RPG (6 Viewing)
In 2077, the storm of nuclear war reduced most of the planet to cinders. From the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization will struggle to arise. A civilization you will shape.
125 Threads1,080 PostsFebruary 6th, 2025, 03:34 by KriticalKlown
2,157 Threads26,784 PostsLong rest healing the wrong...
Today, 16:05 by Trenloe
Savage Worlds (40 Viewing)
Discuss the Savage World ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
2,578 Threads23,129 Posts[Extension] Emotion Field for...
Today, 00:04 by RickSaada
Star Trek Adventures 2d20 (1 Viewing)
Another 2d20 game by Modiphius. Ruleset by SmiteWorks.
39 Threads506 PostsNot on Steam: Star Trek Lower...
January 21st, 2025, 17:30 by MassSailor
Starfinder Roleplaying Games (22 Viewing)
723 Threads8,351 PostsOfficial Starfinder RPG Bug...
Today, 19:41 by Markimedes
Tales of the Valiant (3 Viewing)
Discuss the Tales of the Valiant ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.
8 Threads117 PostsToday, 17:01 by hawkwind
Traveller (11 Viewing)
This forum covers any edition of Traveller, including the 1E version and the 2E versions by Mongoose which are available as Official Rulesets.
579 Threads7,302 PostsYesterday, 18:02 by Stargrove
World of Darkness (VTM/Werewolf/Hunter) (9 Viewing)
Discussion for the official 5th Edition ruleset.
127 Threads1,464 PostsJanuary 22nd, 2025, 20:13 by superteddy57
Other Game Systems (159 Viewing)
- 13th Age,
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy,
- Against The Darkmaster,
- Alien RPG,
- Basic Roleplaying (BRP),
- Conan 2d20 RPG,
- CoreRPG (Generic Ruleset),
- Cypher System,
- DCC,
- G.I. Joe,
- Index Card RPG,
- MoreCore Rulesets,
- Mutants & Masterminds,
- Old School Essentials,
- Power Rangers,
- Rolemaster Classic,
- Shadow of the Demon Lord,
- Shadowdark,
- Symbaroum RPG,
- Transformers,
- Vaesen,
- W.O.I.N.,
- White Box OSR
2,730 Threads45,489 PostsToday, 20:14 by Chasme
Armory (campaigns, modules, rulesets, maps and tokens) (505 Viewing)
A board for campaigns, modules, rulesets, maps, tokens and other community creations.
3,474 Threads69,211 PostsToday, 16:38 by mwfantasygrounds
The Workshop (94 Viewing)
The place to discuss modifications and the creation of house rules and new rulesets.
4,875 Threads38,910 PostsFebruary 8th, 2025, 20:12 by rhagelstrom
The Gallery (6 Viewing)
User submitted Fantasy Grounds screenshots
306 Threads2,804 Postspathfinder ruins of azlant fg...
November 9th, 2024, 16:36 by tahl_liadon
The House of Healing - Classic (118 Viewing)
Customer support
The place to find help for technical problems running Fantasy Grounds Classic7,546 Threads55,373 PostsOctober 30th, 2024, 14:53 by damned
What's Going On?
Currently Active Users
There are currently 2793 users online. 61 members and 2732 guests
Most users ever online was 26,638, January 2nd, 2025 at 05:22.
- Alejox51,
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- brendude,
- Bruno T,
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- EugenePes,
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- Talon 46,
- Talon Draconis,
- tankersleyb,
- The Decepticon,
- thomasrharris,
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- wolf1066,
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- Yegenek
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Fantasy Grounds Message Boards Statistics
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