Solo Combat Strategy Guide Part II
, November 29th, 2024 at 05:30 (7276 Views)
Gather 'round strong domini and sublime dominas, as I reveal to you the Art of Solo Warfare. Your humble instructor will not tell you mere ways to swing a sword, mind you. Take these words of wisdom as a foundation to build upon your combatant's role & stratagems. And be not hasty. I'll cover counter-tactics for our earlier lesson and other expansions in here for each of your combatant classes, later.
This is a combat guide, what is this RP stuff doing in it at the top, you ask? Well, I'm gonna say it: This is not a video game that confines your imagination into a narrow space to sell you skins. Solo Play is NOT group play, either. Why limit the potential? Internet is full of mechanical build guides but my take is different.
Let's be honest. Even though TTRPGs are a combo of Wargames & Roleplay, players are afraid to play the role of their class because they don't want to take social risks in group play. There, I said it.
How many of you barbarian mains swallowed your battle cry as you charge into frontlines just 'cause someone in the group might ridicule you? Which sorcerer player wouldn't want to unleash fireballs into the lot of enemies while yelling "BURN, BURN YA WRETCHED FILTH, BURN!" What kind of paladin specialist doesn't actually want to BE the protector of the weak even if the evil has all the advantage? Which player doesn't want their character to fight with a choreography worthy of AAA movies?
Is "I hit it with my sword > 8 dmg" really satisfying for you? If so, skip this and next part.
What is 8 dmg! Killer of imagination. Wouldn't it be better if we took the number in relation to the HP of the enemy and described or imagined the severity of the wound it caused? And play our fighter.
The orc's sword arm is severely wounded and he struggles to hide his weak grip as he steps back with bulged eyes. Fear enter the hearts of his two kobold friends. "What if I'm next?" they fail to hide their shuddering thoughts. "I CAN SMELL YOUR FEAR!" I yell menacingly, as my blood boils with ADRENALINE! [Action Surge] I quickly take advantage of his weakness and deceptively thrust my sword into his stomach after I raised it as if I was to disarm him. His crooked body falls like a potato sack while I extend my bloody sword to point at the hapless two.
Solo Mode gives you this chance. You can see the campaign world and its inhabitants in PCs' eyes and Fight like them, instead of mechanically pressing buttons. Imagination is free!
Don't worry if you are not confident on your description game. In solo mode you can simply imagine cool moves instead of typing or narrating.
If you don't have a baseline to built upon your character's fighting style and want something more realistic than alignments:
Personality is a broad term used to refer to a unique set of behaviors, traits, habits, and emotions that typically determine WHO your character is based on their life experience. You can think of personality as a more comprehensive concept under which your temperament falls. All of its elements combined will shape your PC's combat style.
Alternatively, Temperament is your PC's nature. It doesn't change like some elements of personality. Pick 1 or combine 2 of Four Temperaments to determine how will they approach combat. This is real world's ancient wisdom, btw.
Extroverted characters are braver than Introverted ones in terms of combat risks and positioning as well as class choice. It may affect if you lean more on offense or prefer defense.
Task-oriented PCs may neglect people in favor of results while people-oriented PCs would do anything to protect or deal with them, sometimes at the cost of results.
If Phlegmatic is too foreign for you, it's just mean introverted people who love to serve other people.
And Melancholic does not refer to the sad emotion but means detail-oriented, private people who operate from a well crafted plan.
If you're playing an evil PC, only thing that changes is people-oriented turns to puppet-master instead of protector.
More info:
This entry assumes you are playing 1 PC. It means that you have some strengths, some weaknesses and unless you find a way to address them, they are permanent.
But by all means, don't worry if your character isn't the master of all. Learn to accept them with their flaws. You may think that you must cover all your bases and kill all the baddies to save all the princesses. Do yourself a favor, just relax. Best PCs you play will not be OP godkillers, they will be characters who are flawed to perfection.
*Check comment 5
Infiltration: There is no helping hand if you get caught. Plan ahead. Have an escape route.
Don't think these roles just in terms of game mechanics or rock-paper-scissors interaction. They are also how your PC sees the world. "If you are a hammer, you see everything as a nail."
Approaching combat in Solo Mode obviously differs from group play. Ideally, a group has to coordinate to overcome adversity while covering each other's weaknesses & deficits. But in SP, you should adapt to problem solver mindset. If you can't see beyond numbers and stats of enemies, eventually your fights will abruptly end.
You will mostly be outnumbered, embrace the honor. After all, this is what Solo means. At first, this might seem like a suicide mission. But you are a hero or heroine with many tricks under your sleeves, not a helpless NPC.
Just like in strategy games, thinking in terms of economy is key to survive as a loner. Play your cards to destroy enemy's economy so that they can't find a chance to overwhelm you.
Slot Types
Action economy is maximizing the things you do in a combat turn with what you have:
* limited movement
* action
* bonus action
* reaction
First of all, you should spread useful combat abilities through these slots instead of picking abilities of 1 type, as much as your class provide at each level. Sometimes this means sacrificing some cool spell in favor of another of a different slot type. Using your action to attack is not enough. +Bonus attack? Maybe. If you can cover all 3 types of offense slots at first level, your chances of survival increase tremendously. Ideally, when you have 1 offense action, 1 CC (preferably bonus) & 1 defense / counter-attack reaction, you're set. Next, play to your highest efficiency by utilizing all your slots at every turn. Remember, there are also ways to raise your initiative bonus to strike first.
Basic Maff
In GM side of SP, you are also responsible for generating enemies. Knowing monsters' abilities and their slot types is as important as knowing their stats.
Simply count how many actions all enemies in an encounter can do and compare it to your PC's number of actions to determine fight or flight choice. Yes, sometimes Solo Combat means to bail the heck out of there! However, choosing your battles is the wisest thing you can do. But if you have to fight, at least know whom to focus fire first. If there are no high priority monsters with lethal abilities to worry about, next best choice is always the one with the most actions in a turn. Then comes lower level of threats.
It's always better to deal with 1 enemy at a time until it is dead than to damage multiple and leave them alive. Of course, this is ideally done in an order of lethality and that depends on monster composition / CR, mob numbers and their abilities. Boss fights challenge this strategy, though.
Econ 101
You have 2 main things on your plate to consider in a conflict:
* Number of Actions: Self explanatory. Be wary of Legendary Reactions of bosses.
* Action Efficiency: To kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Move to gain positional advantage/leave 'em in disadvantage. How many enemies can an action eliminate, disable, kill at once? Potency of damage in an attack? How effective can a spell be as oppose to other actions?
And some tactics to use this knowledge to your benefit:
1. Increase your own action efficiency / number: BUFFS, Increase Crit Chance, Initiative, Dmg (2H) / SUMMONS
2. Reduce action efficiency of enemies: DEFENSE (Increase AC, Temp HP, Cover, Mirror Image), Precautionary Strategies (Resistance potions, Invisibility, Hide & Guerilla Tactics, Choke points)
3. Reduce enemies' number of actions: Go Out of Range. Traps. Preventive Strats (CC, deadly environment as ADVNTG)
4. Deny them to act: If you're not there, there is no fight: Stealth.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ~ Sun Tzu, Art of War
Cool words & all but this is just a game. Maybe you know an orc's stats but your PCs don't. Let them learn about the enemy's tactics by trial and error.
Know Thyself
I hope your PC's personality, combat role, group dynamic, and most importantly expression of all these in axe swings and spell slings (RP) make more sense now. Know that in this game, the best weapon is your imagination.
Sharpen & Play to your Strengths
Cover your Weaknesses
Know Thy Enemy
* What is it and how can we deal with it?
* What Type of monster?
* Its Traits?
* Its Strengths & Weaknesses?
* Its Advantages & Disadvantages?
* Its Threat Level / CR (it's based on 4 players)
* Its movement limits?
* Attack ranges & Damage types?
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