Solo Hex-crawl in FGU - Demo Playtest Notes
, August 27th, 2024 at 02:40 (12263 Views)
This isn't a real gameplay. I'm trying to figure out how to play Hex-crawl in FGU and brainstorming. More info will be added to comments later.
Ruleset: D&D 5E (Because of Toolbox)
I utilized
* 25$ The Adventurer's Toolbox,
* ? Dungeon Master's Manual and
* JimSocks' (Free) Content Creator with!
* PWYW / 1$ - World Map Hex Tiles: (Thanks to Trenloe)
Grid Type: Hexagon / Size: 100 x 100
[Check the pic in "1- The Toolbox has Wilderness Generator" to see where to do that]
# Here's the results: More info in chat screen.
I had to use IMGUR links not to exceed pic limit.
## INDEX of Hex-Crawl Tables
Refer to the INDEX for list of tables in text.
Filtered Hex file names .TXT (of World Map Hex Tiles) to make tables (for personal use).
## Settlement Generator from JimSocks (City, Town, Village)
## Dungeon Generator from Toolbox
## Merchant Generator from JimSocks
## NPC Generator Toolbox + DMG
## Tavern Generator from JimSocks
# Gameplay Demo (Earlier Version)
1- The Toolbox has Wilderness Generator
Create an empty map. -> Unlock it. -> Check righthand side menu to see the menu button for hex type / size. It's in the far end from Dice icon.
-> Chose hexagon shape in Grid Type. Enter 100 in Size. You're set.
2- I roll the tables to chat and drag tiles into map accordingly
See the righthand side menu and find Grid Snap. Turn it on if it's off. This is important to fit the tiles easily. It's under the menu near "Dice" icon.
3- Active Area Discovery in the Toolbox has some event rolls for areas
4- Some "World Map Hex Tiles" (hexagons only)
Just drag and drop the tile pictures into the map hexes. They should fit.
5- Resting in a small village
6- Didn't Like the Atrocious Quality Shop & Went Out
7- Arctic Terrain & Rocky Outcrop
8- Let's Check Weather: I've got a bad feeling about this
Weather tables are from DMG and they are brutal. Toolbox has better tables.
9- Weather Report: Cold! Wind! Rain!
10- The End: Now "Sports" with Xanathar
Climbing the rock has Survival DC: 12
"If I should fall in battle, my brothers who fight by my side
Gather my horse and weapons, tell my family how I died"This entry is dedicated to claedawg. I hope I make up for the trouble I caused with the hex software from github.