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Free PDF - Alone Against The Flame - Call of Cthulhu Solo

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I'm taking a break from my one-man-crusade against botminators to write about my first solo resource recommendation in Call of Cthulhu setting. It's a free PDF from Chaosium website in the style of Choose Your Own Adventure. It's NOT a FGU module but it has links to the pages you should go depending on your choices. It's published in August 2016, so I'm a bit late to the party but better late than never.

It is a horror story set in the 1920s where you are the main character, and your choices determine the outcome. It is also designed to lead you through the basic rules of the game in a gradual and entertaining fashion.

Alone Against the Flame: https://www.chaosium.com/content/FreePDFs/CoC/Adventures/CHA23145%20-%20Alone%20Against%20the%20Flames.pdf


If you don't have the ruleset in FGU, you can download Interactive PDF Character Sheet from Chaosium website: pick the 1920 one

You don’t need to read the rules before you start playing, you can YOLO if you don't understand the terms, just to see where it'll take you. But in case you want to learn them:

Quick Start Rules:

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