Muses for the Solo Player
, August 6th, 2024 at 14:42 (14444 Views)
Here's my go-to list for char-gen, place gen, and conflict inspirations...
# Ode to Heroes & Heroines
What inspires better than songs about heroes of old?
For Solo GM: "Sent from the sky lies an Angel in need, give him muse to strengthen and words to heed." Traveler's Song by Aviators (fantasy rock)
Human: "Spring came with awakening, came with innocence and joy. Spring came with fascination and desire to deploy." Imago by Pain of Salvation. Song Meanings
Dwarf: "I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole." Diggy Diggy Hole by The Yogcast OR "Far on the road before us lie the mountains. Tall and mighty where they rose long ago." Army of Stone by Wind Rose (dwarf metal)
Elf: The Passing of the Elves | LotR: OR Lothlórien OR Evenstar OR Isil Elun'falo by Sharm
Halfling: Hobbit Drinking Songs by Colm R. McGuinness.
## Classes
Artificer: "But I swear, I'll apply my science! To the cause, brooking no defiance." The Doctor's Wife by The Clockwork Quartet (steampunk).
Barbarian: "Lock up the rage, it rattles the cage. The Fury it never leaves me." Ode to Fury by Miracle of Sound (slow folk) OR "I seek no salvation, only RETALIATION! These roots of WRATH go ever deep!" Beast In Black by Beast In Black (power metal). AND This is for recovering rageoholic barbs from Miracle of Sound: To Be Better "Cast the fury into the past. I can choose to be better at last."
Bard: "But now hear my song about the dawn of the night. Let's sing the bards' song." The Bard's Song by Blind Guardian (acoustic) OR "You heroes left untested. Your destiny awaits. / The greatest of your battles will always be within." Answer the Call (BG3 song) by Jonathan Young OR Sing For Me (Lohse's Song from Larian's DOS 2)
Cleric: Holy Warriors (Vrykul Theme / WoW instrumental) OR Sol Invictus by Legio Symphonica (Warhammer 40K choral)
Druid: "Deep within the shadows, I'm the hungry wolf you fear. But I can see that you're the only evil creature here!" I Don't Speak Human by Omnia (pagan folk)
Fighter: "We are the warriors that built this town from dust." Warrior by Imagine Dragons (alt rock) OR "Manowar's made of steel, not clay!" Fighting the World by Manowar (metal)
Monk: Mists of Pandaria Cinematic Trailer OR Rope Dart Video
Paladin: "In Excelsis Precedo Bellator Decerte / In the highest excellence, warrior, fight to the end!" A Call to Arms by Tirion Fordring (WoW OST) OR "Stand tall and believe in the light of the day. When shadows appear and ghosts walk the land." Paladin by Freedom Call (metal) OR "These are the signs of a treacherous priest– Pleasure in anyone’s pain." Oathbreakers by Oathbreakers (medieval?)
Ranger: Miles Away (From Sons of Anarchy series)
Rogue: "Don't leave your treasures ignored. Get bigger bolts on your doors. And tougher locks on your drawers. Watch the street." Khajiit Like to Sneak by Miracle of Sound (synth) OR "Truth twist, liars dance. Money, money, greed, chance. Let's take a little more before we go." Liar's Dance by Robert Plant (rock) OR "She's a rogue and thief and she'll tempt your fate!" Sera Was Never - Dragon Age Inquisition OST
Sorcerer: "The night is gettin' colder under city lights. Lonely souls, they stagger like they've all gone blind." Strike a Match by Zayde Wolf OR "All you have is your fire. And the place you need to reach. Don't you ever tame your demons. But always keep them on a leash" Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
Warlock: "The devil said, Sit and have yourself a glass. He said I know you're angry right now, but the feelin' will pass" Devil's Price by Poor Man's Poison (country) OR "Virtue of the fallen, I condemn your soul to see The Warlock lives in me" Warlock by Dragony (power metal)
Wizard: "Casting his shadow, weaving his spell. Funny clothes, tinkling bell." Wizard by Black Sabbath (rock/metal) OR "Riding from Heaven for the magic of the wizard's dream..." Magic Of The Wizard's Dream by Rhapsody Of Fire (orchestral) OR "Shadows, shadows and fever. No one hears him cry so he turns to evil." Raistlin and the Rose by Lake of Tears (goth metal)
# Questioning the Holy Grail
In pursuit of the Holy Grail -that is our quest- we should ask more questions to start our search:
- WHAT is the Holy Grail? Is it really a grail? Or just a symbol? Am I chasing mirages?
- WHERE is the Holy Grail? Surely, someone should know. But who?
- WHEN did the Holy Grail lost? If we find out the time of its disappearance we can tie it to a place!
- HOW did the Holy Grail lost? If we knew how, it could give us a clue for starters.
- WHY did the Holy Grail lost? Nothing gets lost by itself.
- WHO caused the Holy Grail to disappear? If only we could find him!
- WHAT IF the Holy Grail doesn't exist? WHAT IF The Inquisitor heard about your inquiry and he's on his way to your barracks?!
# Solitude In Mystical Places
A small collection of place lists.
UNESCO World Heritage List:
50 Most Beautiful Places on Earth
Environmental Info by Location
15 Mysterious Places
Weirdest Places In The World
# All That Glitters Is Trap
Inspirations for general elements. Think of these OR your favorite songs, books, with the context of your story element in mind. When you find a song that clicks, check its lyrics' meaning for inspiration. OR start by reading / listening to your media and whatever sticks, take it and play with it.
Conflict: Under Pressure by Queen. Song Meanings:
"Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets"
Pioneering: Ride the Comet by Ayreon. Song Meanings:
"Find your way home, little extremophiles
Fly, beloved sons
Find your way home, donors of life
Fly, my chosen ones"
Turning back from a mistake & Double Meanings: Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. Song Meanings THIS ONE is a rabbit hole! ^^
"There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to Heaven
When she gets there she knows if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for"
Conflict Resolution: March of Cambreadth by Heather Alexander. Song Meanings: No meaning! BAM! BAM! BAM!
"We'll teach them the ways of war,
They won't come here any more
Use your shield and use your head,
Fight 'til every one is dead"