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3 Popular Oracles for FGU (Paid Modules)

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If you really liked your Soloing experience and feel like this guide is too basic for your needs, or if you want everything in FGU readily available, here is the most popular 3 Oracles that are comprehensive. If you're on a budget, only one of them is enough.

EDIT: Mythic's price was wrong. It's not 20$, it's 25$.
3 Paid Oracles

## 5th Edition Solo Rules (Fantasy Grounds) - 4$

This simple module (for D&D) takes the form of a Storyboard giving solo role play advice and links to tables for a range of oracles. You can output your oracles answers either to story entries or directly to the chat window where it becomes part of your game log. Here's a [youtube guide] for it.

## Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition for FGU - 25$

The revolutionary Oracle that started it all. Its importance is that it contains detailed scene rules and important goals / characters tracking. It's Oracle "Fate Chart" is more complex than the one provided in the guide but also more professional. They added a new Fate Check system to receive answers without a chart.

## The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox (Fantasy Grounds) - 25$

This Toolbox has many tables to randomly determine or dress your places, NPCs, monsters, encounters, weather, merchants, quests, loot, etc. with an easy to use Oracle. An example of solo gameplay using the toolbox provided at the end of it. Note that some tables in it links to Core D&D modules such as Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster's Manual, [EDIT: Next part is only true for the PDF] but it is also a setting-agnostic source. Many tables in it can be used in any kind of setting.

NOTE: Latter two also have book/pdf versions.

Supplements for the Oracles

No need to buy any of these unless you want more content at later stages of your experience. But you'll need an Oracle of your choice -not necessarily above ones. Some Solo RPG Systems come with their own Oracles.

## UNE (Universal NPC Emulator) - 5$

With just a handful of automated dice rolls, UNE can help create a surprising non-player character (NPC) with its motivations. A few more automated dice rolls and UNE can provide more direction to place the newly-created NPC smack dab in the story's center. It can help determine the NPC’s general mood towards the player characters. Also has a book/pdf version.

## Argol's Comprehensive Guide to Infrastructure - 10$

It contains absolutely everything you'll need to build a city with, or for your players. Including everything from Guild Wars to Loan Sharks, this guide will help an aspiring DM to cover every single aspect of city-building for their own nefarious purposes, or for when the players finally decide to settle down and begin a new life. Or maybe they just want to build a city for fun? This is the guide for you!

## Friend or Foe Folio - 15$

NAMED NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS - Introduce your players to 100 new NPCs, each with unique art, lore, and NPC stats. There is no shortage of content here! These NPCs are sure to be a mainstay in your D&D adventures.QUEST HOOKS - Over 200 quest hooks have been included!
ART - Over 100 pieces of amazing greyscale art by Tomasz Chistowski.
CHALLENGE RATINGS - The NPCs are broken down by Challenge Rating for easy navigation.

## Adaptable NPCs (for D&D 5E) - 30$

Now it has renewed and its price raised to 30 from 20. Friend or Foe Folio is a cheaper alternative.

Contained within this supplement are **74 NPCs with unique statblocks**. Each NPC contains custom art, lore, and a stat block balanced for the 5e Challenge Rating system. Additionally, **8 short adventures have been included**.

## Ancestral Weapons (for D&D 5E) - 5$

- Rules for using scaling **Ancestral Weapons in D&D 5e**
- **Over 130 weapon upgrades**, to make your weapon as unique as your character
- Rules to **quick-build magic items** for your campaign
- **The Spirit Point Crafting System** allowing players to forge unique and thematically appropriate weapons
- Tables to randomly generate thematic ancestral traits and epic weapon history
- 4 example Ancestral Weapons, developed by our playtesters, each with 4 iterations used in their campaigns
- 4 example non-ancestral weapons, built using the spirit point system

## OR Weapons of Myth - 6$

Each of the 20 progressing Weapons of Myth includes:

  • Art - A beautiful color image drawn by human artists. No AI.
  • History - Lore to help the DM add the weapon to their campaign.
  • Location - The weapon's lost known whereabouts.
  • Encounter Ideas - To help DMs introduce the weapon to the characters.
  • Progression Rules - So DMs and characters know how and when the weapon increases in power.
  • Scalable Statistics - Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Legendary versions for most Weapons of Myth.

Plus, 30 traditional mystical weapons, including swords, axes, bows, and more!

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Updated Today at 03:20 by Tempered7

Solo Play Resources


  1. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Dang. ## Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition for FGU - is 25$
    not 20$. Apologies. I check my posts many times but still find errors after a month. *sigh*
  2. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: I noticed that Adaptable NPCs has been renewed and its price raised to 30$ from 20. I added "Friend or Foe Folio" which is a cheaper alternative.
Fantasy Grounds Merchandise

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