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What is Solo Play

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Remember those old timey "Choose Your Own Adventure" books with lots of different paths to the story and depending on your choices, you jump to a different page to learn what happens next? Solo Play is just like that, and much more, thanks to all the methods and tools available for us in today's world.

Solo RPG Play is engaging in an interactive story by using Tabletop Roleplaying Game rules and Random Content Creation Methods, in which you are both the Game Master and the Player. And yes, it CAN be done and can be FUN!

Thanks to Minimal Preparation and the knowledge of Modes of Play, Roleplay Methods, Combat Tweaks and The Core Game-loop, your story will create itself. Yes, despite you are the GM and the player. With our handy Oracle that presents you a surprising and immersive experience, you won't need a Game Master.

Your choices really matter, they will define YOUR story, unlike in railroaded video games that claim the same.

Here is a video of how it plays. This is only one style. There are more.

Or Just Start Playing With This Demonstration
. (Text-Based Basics)

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Updated November 9th, 2024 at 14:21 by Tempered7

Solo Play with FGU



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