Dungeon 23
, July 13th, 2023 at 16:55 (50900 Views)
What is the meaning of two posts in two days. Who are you and what have you done witn John?
Don"t you hate coming late to the party?
I do.
But here I am.
So I don"t know, with all the YouTube I watch that I didn't see this.
Called The Dungeon 23 Challenge is atribited to Shawn McCoy, creator of The Mother ship. The concept is simple. One creates a mega dungeon. It consist of a dungeon with 12 levels and 365 rooms. A room for every day.
Wow this is monumental! Certainly challenging enough ... but ramped up considering I have Roughly half the time to get it done by the new year. 173 days, 24 weeks,or 5 months.
My plan is to try and catch up and document my progress every week. Definately ambitous.
So I guess I better get cracking!!!
Wish me luck!