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Top Rulesets for Fantasy Grounds through 2019-Q3

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This is a 12-month view of the most popular systems on Fantasy Grounds.

Not all rulesets shown have been available for the full 12-month cycle.

Here is a month-to-month trend.

RulesetUsage2014_17990_image002.png RulesetUsage2016Q4_26805_image002.png
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  1. MadBeardMan's Avatar
    Interesting reading. Seems Traveller 1E does ok, so perhaps I need to figure out how to publicise it, though with Traveller 2E I've already started putting it out there and fingers crossed it gets a larger slice next year!
  2. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Thanks Doug, always I interesting.
  3. LFlo's Avatar
    Nice chart and data. i'm a new guy in fantasy grounds any advice?
  4. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LFlo
    Nice chart and data. i'm a new guy in fantasy grounds any advice?
    Checkout the user forums;
    Also FG College, You Tube, and Discord.
  5. bmos's Avatar
    I'd love to see a new one of these someday.
    It'd also be cool to see something like 'users who hosted or joined a game' so we can get an idea of how many people are playing vs people playing multiple games/sessions.

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