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Now Hiring - Apply today!

Rating: 5 votes, 1.00 average.
With the success of our recent Kickstarter campaign, we wanted to invest back into the future of the platform some more. We are looking to hire one or more people. We may only end up bringing on one person in the immediate short-term, but we would like to look across all three roles for the best candidate.

Location: Remote, but must be in the United States for tax and accounting reasons. You will need to be able to work from home.
Position Type: Full-time

Ruleset Developer

Job Responsibilities:
  • Ruleset development
  • Ruleset Maintenance

Qualifications and Skills:
  • Extensive knowledge of RPG Game systems
  • LUA Scripting
  • XML for layout
  • UI Design
  • Photoshop
  • Previous experience modding Fantasy Grounds is a major plus
  • Degree in Computer Science or equivalent work experience is a plus

Send qualifications and salary requirements to [email protected] and add Application: Ruleset Developer to the subject line.

Module Conversion Specialist

Job Responsibilities:
  • Build adventures modules in Fantasy Grounds (from source PDF and InDesign files)
  • Build reference manuals using internal tools
  • Maintain and update modules with errata and to fix reported issues
  • Perform image manipulation and optimization for maps and other images

Qualifications and Skills Needed:
  1. Extensive knowledge of RPG Game systems (primarily D&D)
  2. Attention to Detail
  3. Fast and Efficient Work Ethic
  4. Excellent spelling and grammar
  5. Experience with Photoshop
  6. Experience with InDesign is a plus
  7. Experience with light scripting tools is a plus
  8. Experience with advanced regex expressions is a plus

Send qualifications and salary requirements to [email protected] and add Application: Module Conversion Specialist to the subject line.

Full Stack Web Application Developer

Job Responsibilities:
  1. Maintain and enhance web presence
  2. Build landing pages
  3. Build database driven web UI systems
  4. Design and plan workflow and UI
  5. Develop Server Side Applications
  6. Set up and deploy test servers
  7. Security testing

Qualifications and Skills Needed:
  • LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP
  • XML and XSL
  • CSS
  • UI Design Experience
  • Security
  • Server administration
  • Experience with Bootstrap is a plus
  • Experience with vbulletin and single-sign-on solutions is a plus

Send qualifications and salary requirements to [email protected] and add Application: Web Developer to the subject line.

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Updated June 4th, 2019 at 23:33 by ddavison

Tags: job posting


  1. MadBeardMan's Avatar
    Time to move to the US me thinks, though not sure the rest of the family would want me to!

    GL filling these.
  2. ddavison's Avatar
    You might want to start drinking coffee.
  3. MadBeardMan's Avatar
    Ah I do at work, cos the tea is awful.

    Working on Traveller tonight, just getting my youngests Birthday dinner out of the way.

    Would love to do rulesets full time, they're ace stuff.
  4. backwardoracle's Avatar
    Colin, if you move to Donald's part of Scotland, it might be considered US territory, so technically, fulfilling US tax laws
  5. jonrandahl's Avatar
    Morning all, long time lurker, new poster here!

    Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on the project for such an amazing product!

    Out of curiosity is there a specific location that developers outside of the US can contribute ideas, comments, and or moments of inspiration moving forward?

    Cheers for everything nonetheless, look forward to hearing back! ����������
  6. Doswelk's Avatar
    When you can hire people outside USA let me know
  7. wrongholt's Avatar
    Can't send email to the [email protected] says it blocking because of spam.
  8. ddavison's Avatar
    This is a group account through gmail and they have some heavy handed spam detection that occasionally flags legitimate email. You can email it me directly at [email protected].
  9. jmucchiello's Avatar
    Where was this when I was looking for a job??
  10. EbbCubed's Avatar
    If only I could do this remotely... I'd love to apply for the Module Conversion. Oh well, I'm sure you'll find someone more qualified than I am for the role.
  11. sujifae's Avatar
    Oh, nice! I would love to be the Module Conversion Specialist! I'm applying right now.
  12. Allyx's Avatar
    I would love to be the module conversion specialist, I've done a few one shots and Pathfinder Society Scenarios so far, but there are many many more to do, but being a UK resident I guess I'm out of luck.
  13. TimSmyth's Avatar
    Has there been any news on this front? I remember seeing that y'all had hoped to get through the resumes by the end of July, so I'm dying to hear more about it! Thanks!

    - Tim
  14. ddavison's Avatar
    Thanks for the interest. We are conducting interviews this week and next week. Our focus has moved over mostly to the Ruleset Developer for our first hire.
  15. TimSmyth's Avatar
    Oh, that's cool! SmiteWorks just does such big things, it's easy to forget that you guys are a small organization. I was just worried I missed it!

    Whoever you hire for Ruleset, please get someone who will make us a Shadow of the Demon Lord and Blades in the Dark official ruleset so I can put that money in your pocket!
  16. ddavison's Avatar
    We have just hired two new people to join the team. We opted for hiring on two different people in the role of Ruleset Developer. They may dabble a bit in content creation as a Module Conversion Specialist as well.

    We plan to hold off on any future hires for the immediate term and then we may re-visit the applications we received for the other roles again at that time. Thanks again for your interest. We had a lot of great candidates.

    The new hires are Dominic Morta and Hollis Gray.
  17. MadBeardMan's Avatar
    It's a shame I don't live in the US, otherwise I'd have jumped at it.
  18. TimSmyth's Avatar
    Thanks for your consideration!

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