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How To - create an Alchemist's Fire

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Entry to show how one might go about creating items / feats / traits within the Character Sheet's Action Tab; to allow a player to track the usage of certain things that have effects.

In this particular case an Alchemist's Fire can be used 1 time, unless you’ve more in your inventory! For this How To I will assume that the player has blown gp and bought 2x Alchemist's Fires (i.e. if you have more in your inventory just change the X in step 6 accordingly).

Within the screenshots below the red boxed objects are where you need to focus to create this item within the Actions Tab.

  1. Click the Edit List icon
  2. Click the Add Power icon
  3. Need to type 2 things in the 2 circled textboxes:
    1. New Spell or Ability textbox type "Alchemist's Fire (20)"
    2. In the other unnamed textbox type "Items" - this will change the name of the group from Powers to Items

  4. Click the Stop Editing List icon
  5. Nothing to note in this screen other than we are now ready to start adding the effect for this new action
  6. Click the Mode textbox and change the selection to Preparation
  7. Click and select the 0 then type 2; then click Daily until this textbox shows the Once option
    1. 2 means that we have 2 alchemist fires in our inventory, so after we check / use this twice and it expires at which point we’ll need to purchase more
    2. Daily / Rest / Once are related to frequency of renewals
      1. Daily means renew this power / trait / feat / item after a long rest (none of which are applicable to an Alchemist's Fire)
      2. Rest means renew this power / trait / feat / item after a short rest (none of which are applicable to an Alchemist's Fire)
      3. Once means this power / trait / feat / item will never renew and only has X usages as typed in step 6 above

  8. Click the Mode textbox until it changes to Combat then click the Display textbox until it changes to Actions, then mouse over the Alchemist's Fire and right-click to open the radial menu and select Add Effect
  9. The radial menu selections have changed, now click the Add Effect option
  10. Click the effect's magnifying glass icon to open the Spell / Ability Effect dialogue popup window
    1. Type Alchemist's Fire; DMGO: 1d4 fire into the Description textbox
    2. Close the Spell / Ability Effect dialogue popup window by clicking the X

  11. Notice the new button that exists for adding the new effect
  12. Time to enter the PHB description for a Alchemist's Fire, so click the Shield icon and a new dialogue popup will open that needs to be populated as indicated in this screenshot
  13. Finalise the PHB description by clicking the Padlock icon and we are DONE!
  14. Mouse over the Alchemist's Fire and right-click to open the radial menu and select Add Action
  15. In the new radial menu select the Add Cast option
  16. Within Spell / Ability Use dialogue configure as follows:
    1. Under ATTACK section click Type and select Ranged, click Base and select Ability, then change the Stat to Dex
    2. Under SAVE section click Type and select Dex, click Base and select Fixed, click Bonus and enter 10

  17. That's it, here's the new config for your Alchemist's Fire

To use the fire within your session do the following:
  1. Ensure that your Character Sheet’s Action Tab is in the Mode Combat Display Action
    1. It’s important that while playing you are in this mode most of the time, unless you are at the store and have bought more potions, then you’ll need to be in Mode Preparation so that you can change the quantity of potions that you’ve in your inventory (step 6 above)

  2. After targeting your enemy drag / drop the cast icon to the NPCs row in the CT, if you hit then drag / drop the effect icon onto the NPC

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  1. GavinRuneblade's Avatar
    Excellent post, thank you.

    I think the most important step is actually the easiest: in your slide #2. I used to always try the "add a weapon" icon not the "add a power" icon because alchemist's fire or lesser poison or a healing potion is an item right? So it's a weapon, right? Nope. Not if you want it to work correctly. Using the weapon menu I had no option for the burn, the dc etc. That threw me off for so long before on an unrelated thing one of Zaccheus' posts showed me that I should have been using the powers.

    Anyway, great job, very clear and love the details at the end.
  2. rosajernigan's Avatar
    Great work! Thanks for sharing this useful tips.
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  3. skj310's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rosajernigan
    Great work! Thanks for sharing this useful tips.
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  4. skj310's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by baronfarm
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