Text Club
, February 7th, 2017 at 01:43 (24559 Views)
My friends, players, and DM’s all know that my favorite niche is text-only games. It’s not for everyone, but those of us who like it, are really passionate about the experience. There hasn’t been a lot of innovations that spark our collective interest until Fantasy Grounds came along.
Fantasy Grounds solves so many burdensome mechanical and administrative details for the text-only gamer. All the time wasted getting dice rollers to work, email scans, correct turn order, and other background stuff is all gone. All that saved time is now spent on role-playing and having fun with friends!
And minis… we now get to have minis!!! Sure, that isn’t a pure text thing, but everyone loves miniatures. I mean isn’t Matthew Mercer like a professional voice actor? He is the epitome of vocal talent and improvisation, but he still like his minis. Miniatures are transcendent across all forms of gaming!
So anyways, this blog is going to be all about text-gaming on Fantasy Grounds. I will share my tips and tricks that I have learned (and am still learning) for making a smooth text based experience. There are many reasons people might prefer text-only (disability, bandwidth, ESL, etc..) but I will detail those in a much later post. For now, I encourage everyone who hasn’t tried it to take a peak and see if any of these methods spark your interest.
To start things off, I will share the number one rule of Text Club: “The first rule of Text Club is you don’t worry about spelling in Text Club.” This can be a hard habit to get into at first, especially for Americans as we are overly critical of English usage. Whenever a typo appears, we immediately have to follow up with an correction. *a correction. This takes up extra time on something everyone understood anyway. If you say, “I swing my axe at the orr,” everyone knows what you meant and probably even missed the typo. The only person judging your spelling and grammar is you. Don’t stress it and enjoy the game!