Accomplishing Things, no matter how minor, FEELS GREAT!
, February 6th, 2017 at 20:00 (13977 Views)
Huzzah! I'm singing from the rooftops!
For those of you who read a bit of my blogs or forum posts, you know by now that I'm running a homebrew campaign. We (the players and myself) have been playing out little stories here and there and fleshing out the world in the process. Every week I work on something new. World maps. Lore. Mythology. Kingdoms. Factions. Its all so much fun!
This week I finished up the creation myth of the world, the pantheon of deities AND the world calendar to boot! Feels great!
The icing on the cake? I dabbled in the xml files and actually made the calendar as a calendar usable in the Fantasy Grounds calendar module! HUZZAH! I didn't think I'd ever be able to do something that complicated! But I did!
Attachment 17788
Annnnnnd the creation myth I'm pretty proud of too! I made it into a PDF for my players, which unfortunately is too big to attach to this blog post... but here's images of it:
Attachment 17789
Attachment 17790
Other things I finished this week include the world map now with roads:
Attachment 17791
And a plethora of other minor things here and there!
It feels really good to get things done, even though in the grand scheme of things, these things seem small to others. They're pretty big accomplishments to me.
I aim to someday meld everything into a nice PDF and release it as a full-blown campaign setting other people could use to stage adventures in, if they wanted to. Someday. But for now, the work continues!