Rem's 5E Crafting System - Introduction
, December 15th, 2016 at 19:26 (24391 Views)
How I Got to Where I Needed a Crafting System in My Campaign:
Ah the good ole Dungeon Master's Guide. My favorite book in the entirety of the D&D Collection. I flip through it constantly, devouring information, plotting ways to challenge the PCs in my campaign, planning out vast worlds with diverse storylines and so much more.
One day during our D&D session, Ielenia, my group's Elven Druid said to me after we were wrapping up the session: "Hey Rem, can I just craft some potions?"
Now, we use Discord for voice communication, so she couldn't see the look on my face. But if she could, I imagine she would describe it as some cross between bewilderment, a loss for words, and sudden intrigue.
Naturally, I cracked open my handy-dandy DMG, and flipped to the Crafting Rules. And then... my dismay sunk in.
Now typically, I'm something of a "fangirl" of all things Wizards of the Coast and Official D&D content. So at first, I tried not to feel... disappointed... by the Crafting Rules set out in the DMG. But, as an adult, we often have to be honest with ourselves about our feelings. So, yes, I was disappointed.
And then, I started cracking away at it.
I planned a long list of Professions. Then I pruned a bunch because my play group didn't want too many. Then I combined some, and reworked some ideas.
And then I really went to town with it.
Let Me Introduce You To Rem's 5E Crafting System
Over the next few blog posts I'll be sharing ALL the details of this Crafting System I've come up with, as it is still VERY MUCH a work in progress.
But today, I'd like to share some of the basics of it!
Attachment 16928
In our world, if the Player Character's travel to a town where there is a Blacksmithing building or shop, they can see if there is, for example, a Master Weaponsmith, who would be willing to teach them his or her trade.
Attachment 16929
Now, in this screenshot, ignore the top portion that talks about Enchanting Scrolls for just the time being. I will discuss that aspect of my system in a further blog post, as my design decision for that aspect requires some explanation.
Here, however, you can see the results of my Profession options pruning, and what Professions we ended up with.
- Alchemists: Make potions and stuff. They can transmute things at higher level. Once a Character becomes Skilled (Level 2 basically) or higher, they gain the permanent perk: You can imbibe or administer potions in combat as a Bonus Action.
- Armorsmith: They make armor made from metal: Chain, Plate, etc. Just not Leather armor, and certainly not clothing. That's someone else's job. The Level 2 Armorsmith Perk is +1 to CON. Forever.
- Fashion Designer: Okay, okay, I know the name sounds silly. But these folks make clothing, leather armor, disguises, costumes, AND Jewelry. You got a better name? Designer Level 2 Perk: A Custom-made Cantrip called Dazzle. Can be cast even by people who are not Spellcasters.
- Melee Weaponsmith: Another pretty obvious title. These folks make Axes, and Hammers, and Maces and so on. Level 2 Perk: +1 bonus to all damage rolls if using a weapon you made for yourself. (This perk scales) More info in further posts.
- Ranged Weaponsmith: Your friendly neighborhood bow-maker (bowyer?) These people also make guns, if guns are in your world (they're sort of in ours) arrows, crossbows, javelins, darts, etc. Level 2 Perk: +1 bonus to all damage rolls if using a weapon you made for yourself. (This perk scales) More info in further posts.
- Tinker: My favorite profession. Since our world has gunpowder, tinkers love making things go BOOM! They make bombs, and all kinds of nifty things like listening devices (think: a stick enchanted with Clairaudience) that they can stick under doorways and listen in on private conversations. Yeah, tinkers are pretty awesome. Level 2 Perk: Can use any crafted Tinker's items (such as Bombs) as a Bonus Action in combat.
In the next few blog posts I'll share more details on the specifics, details on each Profession and how they work, how the System itself works, how you can implement it in your worlds, how you can tweak it, and so much more!